Town of OakvillePlanning and Development CouncilREVISED AGENDAMeeting #:Date:Tuesday, May 21, 2024Time: 6:30 P.m. - 10:30 P.m.Location:Council ChamberTown Hall is open to the public and live streaming video is available on or at the town's YouTube channel at Information regarding written submissions and requests to delegate can be found at 2.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest 3.Committee of the Whole 4.Consent Items(s) 4.1Notice of intention to designate – 115 Third Line – May 21, 2024 1.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line.pdf2.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line - Appendix A.pdf3.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line - Appendix B.pdf4.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line - Appendix C.pdfRecommendation:That a notice of intention to designate be issued under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for the Heeks Family Farmhouse at 115 Third Line.4.2Notice of intention to designate – 129 Tavistock Square – May 21, 2024 1.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq.pdf2.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq - Appendix A.pdf3.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq - Appendix B.pdf4.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq - Appendix C.pdfRecommendation:That a notice of intention to designate be issued under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for Fairmount at 129 Tavistock Square.4.3Old Oakville Heritage Conservation District Process Update 1.2024-05-21 - Old Oakville Heritage Conservation District Process Update.pdfRecommendation:That the “Next Steps” in the report ‘Old Oakville Heritage Conservation District Process Update’ by the Planning Services department dated May 14, 2024, be endorsed in accordance with s.41.1 ( 7 ) of the Ontario Heritage Act.5.Confidential Consent Item(s) There are no confidential consent items listed for this agenda.6.Public Hearing Item(s) 6.1Public Meeting Report, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment, Spruce Rose Inc., File Nos.: 24T-24003/1613, Z.1613.66 1.Public Meeting Report, Spruce Rose Inc., File No. Z1613.66 and 24T-24003.1613.pdf2.Appendix A - Mapping.pdf3.Appendix B - Concept Plans.pdf4.Appendix C - Draft ZBL.pdf5.Appendix D - Draft Plan of SUBD.pdf6.Appendix E - Policy Excerpts.pdf7.Appendix F - PIM Minutes.pdf8.Appendix G - Public Comments.pdf9.Item 6.1 Correspondence - Planning Department.pdf10.Item 6.1 Correspondence - John De Boer.pdf11.Item 6.1 Correspondence - Julie Schuler.pdf12.Item 6.1 Correspondence - Adam Schuler.pdfRecommendation:That the comments from the public with respect to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Spruce Rose Inc. (File Nos.: Z.1613.66 and 24T-24003/1613), be received.That staff consider such comments as may be provided by Council.6.2Public Meeting Report, ZBA, ASC (Oakville) Facility Limited Partnership, Z.1327.03 1.Public Meeting Report - 3000 Hospital Gate Zoning By-law Amendment .pdf2.APPENDIX A - Mapping(1).pdf3.APPENDIX B - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Prepared by Applicant - 3000 Hospital Gate.pdf4.APPENDIX C - Official Plan Extracts - OPA 35 as modified by Halton Region - Hospital District.pdf5.APPENDIX D - Zoning Extracts.pdf6.APPENDIX E - Public Written Submissions.pdfRecommendation:That comments from the public with respect to the proposed ZBA submitted by ASC (Oakville) Facility Limited Partnership (File No.: Z.1327.03), be received. That staff consider such comments as may be provided by Council and the public. 6.3Public Meeting Report - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision, Cross Realty Incorporated (Distrikt Developments), File Numbers OPA.1614.83, Z.1614.83, and 24T-24002/1614 1.Public Meeting Report - 157 and 165 Cross Ave - Distrikt.pdf2.Appendix A - Mapping(2).pdf3.Appendix B - Concept and Rendering.pdf4.Appendix C - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf5.Appendix D - Draft OPA_Revised_BO.pdf6.Appendix E - Draft ZBA KC.pdf7.Appendix F - Policy References.pdf8.Appendix G - PIM Minutes.pdf9.Item 6.3 Correspondence - Planning Department.pdfRecommendation:That comments from the public with respect to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision applications submitted by Cross Realty Incorporated (Distrikt Developments), (File Nos.: OPA.1614.83, Z.1614.83, and 24T-24002/1614), be received.That staff consider such comments as may be provided by Council and the public.6.4Public Meeting Report, Official Plan Amendment/Zoning Bylaw Amendment/Draft Plan of Subdivision, Argo Neyagawa Corporation, 505 Burnhamthorpe Road West, File: OPA1220.02, Z.1220.02, 24T-24001/1220 1.Public Meeting Report - Argo Neyagawa.pdf2.Appendix A - Aerial.pdf3.Appendix B - Applicant's Development Concept.pdf4.Appendix C - Applicant's OPA.pdf5.Appendix D - Applicant's ZBA.pdf6.Appendix E - Applicant's Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf7.Appendix F - Policies and Zoning.pdf8.Appendix G - Public Information Meeting.pdf9.Appendix H - Public Comments.pdf10.Item 6.4 Correspondence - Multiple Residents.pdfRecommendation:That comments from the public with respect to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision application submitted by Argo Neyagawa Corporation, File: OPA1220.02, Z.1220.02 and 24T-24001/1220, be received. That staff consider such comments as may be provided by Council and the public. 6.5Public Meeting and Recommendation Report – Town-initiated Official Plan Amendments – Delegation of Authority for Minor Zoning Amendments (File No. 42.15.64) 1.Public Meeting and Recommendation Report - Town-initiated OPA - Delegation of Minor ZBAs (File 42.15.64).pdf2.APPENDIX A By-law 2024-057 - OPA 67 - Livable Oakville.pdf3.APPENDIX B By-law 2024-058 - OPA 331 - 1984 Official Plan.pdf4.APPENDIX C By-law 2024-084 - A By-law to amend By-law 2023-021, the Municipal Powers and Duties By-law.pdf5.Item 6.5 - Correspondence - Planning Department.pdfRecommendation:That comments from the public with respect to the town-initiated Official Plan Amendments (File No. 42.15.64), be received. That the proposed town-initiated Official Plan Amendments regarding delegation of authority of minor zoning by-law amendments, be approved. That By-law 2024-057, a by-law to adopt OPA 67 to the Livable Oakville Plan, be passed. That By-law 2024-058, a by-law to adopt OPA 331 to the 1984 Oakville Official Plan, be passed. That notice of Council’s decision reflect that Council has fully considered all written and oral submissions relating to this matter and that those comments have been appropriately addressed. That By-law 2024-084, a by-law to amend By-law 2023-021, the Municipal Powers and Duties By-law, be passed. That fees for applications for minor zoning by-law amendments be established based on the fees applicable to minor variance applications under the town’s Rates and Fees tariff. 7.Discussion Item(s) There are no discussion items listed for this agenda.8.Confidential Discussion Item(s) Item 8.1 see confidential addendum to be distributed. 8.1Midtown Oakville Appeals and Legal Considerations 9.Advisory Committee Minutes There are no Advisory Committee Minutes listed for this agenda.10.Rise and Report to Council 11.New Business (Emergency, Congratulatory or Condolence)12.Consideration and Reading of By-laws That the following by-law(s) be passed:12.1By-law 2024-057 A by-law to adopt an amendment to the Livable Oakville Plan in response to Housing Accelerator Fund Initiatives, Delegation of Minor Zoning By-law Amendments, Official Plan Amendment Number 67 (File No. 42.15.64) (re: Item 6.5)12.2By-law 2024-058 A by-law to adopt an amendment to the 1984 Oakville Official Plan in response to Housing Accelerator Fund Initiatives, Delegation of Minor Zoning By-law Amendments, Official Plan Amendment Number 331 (File No. 42.15.64) (re: Item 6.5)12.3By-law 2024-080 1.2024-05-21- Heritage Designation By-law 2024-080 - 115 Morrison Road.pdfA by-law to designate the Graham House at 115 Morrison Road as a property of cultural heritage value or interest.12.4By-law 2024-081 1.2024-05-21- Heritage Designation By-law 2024-081 - 149 Dunn St.pdfA by-law to designate Cedar Lodge at 149 Dunn Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest.12.5By-law 2024-084 A By-law to amend By-law 2023-021, the Municipal Powers and Duties By-law. (re: Item 6.5)12.6By-law 2024-089 1.By-law 2024-089.pdfA by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council.13.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.2024-05-21- Heritage Designation By-law 2024-080 - 115 Morrison Road.pdf1.2024-05-21- Heritage Designation By-law 2024-081 - 149 Dunn St.pdf1.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line.pdf2.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line - Appendix A.pdf3.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line - Appendix B.pdf4.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 115 Third Line - Appendix C.pdf1.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq.pdf2.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq - Appendix A.pdf3.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq - Appendix B.pdf4.2024-05-21 - Notice of intention to designate - 129 Tavistock Sq - Appendix C.pdf1.Public Meeting Report, Spruce Rose Inc., File No. Z1613.66 and 24T-24003.1613.pdf2.Appendix A - Mapping.pdf3.Appendix B - Concept Plans.pdf4.Appendix C - Draft ZBL.pdf5.Appendix D - Draft Plan of SUBD.pdf6.Appendix E - Policy Excerpts.pdf7.Appendix F - PIM Minutes.pdf8.Appendix G - Public Comments.pdf9.Item 6.1 Correspondence - Planning Department.pdf10.Item 6.1 Correspondence - John De Boer.pdf11.Item 6.1 Correspondence - Julie Schuler.pdf12.Item 6.1 Correspondence - Adam Schuler.pdf1.By-law 2024-089.pdf1.Public Meeting Report - 3000 Hospital Gate Zoning By-law Amendment .pdf2.APPENDIX A - Mapping(1).pdf3.APPENDIX B - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Prepared by Applicant - 3000 Hospital Gate.pdf4.APPENDIX C - Official Plan Extracts - OPA 35 as modified by Halton Region - Hospital District.pdf5.APPENDIX D - Zoning Extracts.pdf6.APPENDIX E - Public Written Submissions.pdf1.Public Meeting Report - Argo Neyagawa.pdf2.Appendix A - Aerial.pdf3.Appendix B - Applicant's Development Concept.pdf4.Appendix C - Applicant's OPA.pdf5.Appendix D - Applicant's ZBA.pdf6.Appendix E - Applicant's Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf7.Appendix F - Policies and Zoning.pdf8.Appendix G - Public Information Meeting.pdf9.Appendix H - Public Comments.pdf10.Item 6.4 Correspondence - Multiple Residents.pdf1.Public Meeting Report - 157 and 165 Cross Ave - Distrikt.pdf2.Appendix A - Mapping(2).pdf3.Appendix B - Concept and Rendering.pdf4.Appendix C - Draft Plan of Subdivision.pdf5.Appendix D - Draft OPA_Revised_BO.pdf6.Appendix E - Draft ZBA KC.pdf7.Appendix F - Policy References.pdf8.Appendix G - PIM Minutes.pdf9.Item 6.3 Correspondence - Planning Department.pdf1.Public Meeting and Recommendation Report - Town-initiated OPA - Delegation of Minor ZBAs (File 42.15.64).pdf2.APPENDIX A By-law 2024-057 - OPA 67 - Livable Oakville.pdf3.APPENDIX B By-law 2024-058 - OPA 331 - 1984 Official Plan.pdf4.APPENDIX C By-law 2024-084 - A By-law to amend By-law 2023-021, the Municipal Powers and Duties By-law.pdf5.Item 6.5 - Correspondence - Planning Department.pdf1.2024-05-21 - Old Oakville Heritage Conservation District Process Update.pdf