Town of Oakville


Meeting #:
Council Chamber

There are no public presentations listed for this agenda.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That staff be granted authority to extend the license agreement with the Wai Nu O’Kanaka Outrigger Canoe Club and Charterability Cruising For the Disabled for an additional 10 years for their premises within Busby Park, on the terms set out in this report.
    2. That the license extension agreement be executed in accordance with By-law 2013-057 and the Town Solicitor be authorized to enter into any minor amendments, as required.

  • Recommendation:

    That the report entitled “2024 Recreation and Culture Rates and Fees - Seniors Services Membership Fee Amendment” be received and the recommendation to amend the 2024 Recreation and Culture Rates and Fees be approved.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the Town Solicitor be authorized to transfer Parts 2 and 3 on Plan 20R-17281 to the adjoining property owner for nominal consideration to be incorporated within the private lands.

    2. That By-law 2024-060 – A by-law to stop up and close for all purposes a portion of Wyecroft Road, being Part 2 on Plan 20R-17281, be passed.

    3. That the Town Solicitor be authorized to register By-law 2024-060 in compliance with the Municipal Act, 2001.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That By-law 2024-072, a by-law to amend Public Nuisance By-law 2007-143 attached as Appendix A to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated June 4, 2024 be passed.

    2. By-law 2024-073, a by-law to amend Property Standards By-law 2023-074, as amended, attached as Appendix B to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated June 4, 2024 be passed.

    3. By-law 2024-074, a by-law to amend Lot Maintenance By-law 2023-075, as amended, attached as Appendix C to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated June 4, 2024 be passed.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the information contained in the staff report dated June 4, 2024, entitled March 31, 2024 Financial Results from the Finance Department, be received.
    2. That project 36102219 Cellular Enablement be amended to add $106,000 from the Capital Reserve to fund additional equipment for the Transit fleet and to decommission the old infrastructure.
    3. That the 2024 capital budget be amended to add a new project with a budget of $65,000 funded from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Youth Climate Action Fund.
  • Recommendation:

    That the report dated June 4, 2024 , from the Strategy, Policy and Communications Department be received.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the updated Use of Corporate Resources During an Election Period Procedure be approved.
    2. That the updated Notice of Close Vote Procedure be approved.
    3. That the BIA Event Signs Policy be approved.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the draft licensing by-law attached as Appendix A to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated June 4, 2024 be received for consideration, but not passed at this time.

    2. That By-law 2024-101, a by-law to amend Licensing By-law 2015-075 attached as Appendix D to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated June 4, 2024 be passed.

    3. That Municipal Enforcement Services circulate the draft licensing by-law for comment to currently licensed businesses and businesses that are captured under the new licensing classes.

    4. That Municipal Enforcement Services report back with comments received from the business community and the final version of the licensing by-law in Q4 of 2024.

  • Recommendation:

    That the 2024 Corporate Asset Management Plan – Part B for Non-Core assets as included in Appendix A be approved.

There are no confidential discussion items listed for this agenda.

(Notice of Motion, Emergency, Congratulatory or Condolence)

That the following by-law(s) be passed:

 A by-law to amend Public Nuisance By-law 2007-143, being a by-law to prohibit or regulate public nuisances, vibration, odour, dust and outdoor illumination, including indoor lighting that can be seen outdoors within the Town of Oakville (Re: Item 8.5)

 A by-law to amend Property Standards By-law 2023-074, being a by-law to prescribe standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the Town of Oakville (Re: Item 8.5)

 A by-law to amend Lot Maintenance By-law 2023-075, being a by-law to regulate exterior property maintenance including vegetation, waste and graffiti (Re: Item 8.5)

A by-law to amend Licensing By-law 2015-075 (Re: Item 10.1)

 A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council.

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