Town of Oakville
Planning and Development Council


Meeting #:
Virtual Meeting

Currently attendance at Town Hall is restricted and public meetings are being held by videoconference only. Live streaming video is available on or at the town's YouTube channel at Information regarding written submissions and requests to delegate can be found at

  • Recommendation:
    1. That a subdivision agreement between the Town and Martillac Estates Inc. be finalized in accordance with the standard agreement format.
    2. That the Town Solicitor be authorized to make minor changes to the Agreement, which do not affect the substance of the Agreement.
    3. That the agreement with Martillac Estates Inc. be executed in accordance with By-law 2013-057.


  • Recommendation:
    1. That the assumption of the west side of Taunton Road between Oak Park Boulevard and Glenashton Drive be approved.

    2. That By-law 2022-025 a by-law to assume the completed public works described as Parts 1-5, 8,11,14,17 & 30-38 of Plan 20R-19677 be passed.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Director of Planning Services be authorized to grant draft plan approval to the Draft Plan of Condominium (24CDM-22001/1505) submitted by Kingridge (Oakville East) Inc., and prepared by R-PE Surveying Ltd. dated April 9, 2019, subject to the conditions contained in Appendix ‘A’ of the Planning Service Report dated April 19, 2022.

There are no Confidential Consent Items listed for this agenda.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the public meeting report prepared by the Planning Services Department dated April 19, 2022, be received.
    2. That comments from the public with respect to the proposed draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment submitted by Bronte River LP (File Nos.: 24T-210009/1531 and Z.1531.03), be received.
    3. That staff consider such comments as may be provided by Council.


  • Recommendation:
    1. That the public meeting report, prepared by the Planning Services Department dated April 19, 2022, be received.

    2. That comments from the public with respect to the Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision by Sixth Oak Inc., File No.: OPA.1216.01, Z.1216.01, 24T-22002/1216, be received.

    3. That staff consider such comments as may be provided by Council.

Item 7.2 see addendum to be distributed.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications were submitted by 2317511 Ontario Inc. (File Nos. Z. 1614.77, OPA1614.77), be approved on the basis that the applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms with all applicable Provincial plans, the Region of Halton Official Plan, the Livable Oakville Plan, has regard for matters of Provincial interest, and represents good planning for the reasons outlined in the report from the Planning Services Department dated April 19, 2022.

    2. That By-law 2022-046, a by-law to adopt an amendment to the Livable Oakville Plan, be passed.

    3. That By-law 2022-047, an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2014-014, be passed.

    4. That the notice of Council’s decision reflect that Council has fully considered all of the written and oral submissions relating to these matters and that those comments have been appropriately addressed.

    5. That, in accordance with Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice is determined to be necessary.

    6. That the site plan for the proposed development be designed in accordance with the urban design requirements in Appendix ‘B’ to this report from the Planning Services Department dated April 19, 2022.

Heritage Grant Program 2022

  • Recommendation:

    That comments from the public related to the development options provided through the settlement offer in OLT-22-002119, submitted by 2266 Lakeshore LP be received prior to Council making a decision with respect to the offer through the related confidential report.

  • Recommendation:

    That the following recommendation pertaining to Items 4.1 and 4.2 of the Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee minutes from its meeting on April 19, 2022, be approved and the remainder of the minutes be received:

    4.1     Heritage permit application HP016/22-42.20R - 183 Reynolds Street – New two-storey rear addition, replacement of garage and alterations to windows

    1. That Heritage Permit Application HP016/22-42.20R for the construction of the new two-storey rear addition, replacement of the existing detached garage and alterations to windows at 183 Reynolds Street, as attached in Appendix B to the report dated April 12, 2022 from Planning Services, be approved subject to the following:
      1. That final details on cladding materials, windows and doors be submitted to Heritage Planning staff for final approval; and,
    1. That this heritage permit expire two years from the date of final approval by Council.


    4.2     Heritage permit application HP017/22-42.20S 46 Second Street – Demolition of existing house and construction of new house

    1. That Heritage Permit Application HP017/22-42.20S for the demolition of the existing house and the construction of a new house at 46 Second Street, as attached in Appendix B to the report dated April 12, 2022 from Planning Services, be approved subject to the following:
      1. That final details on the windows, doors and cladding material, including colour, be submitted to Heritage Planning staff for final approval; and
    1. That this heritage permit expire two years from the date of final approval by Council.

(Emergency, Congratulatory or Condolence)

That the following by-law(s) be passed:

A by-law to assume Taunton Road between Oak Park Boulevard and Glenashton Drive.  (Re: Item 4.2)

A by-law to adopt an amendment to the Livable Oakville Official Plan, Official Plan Amendment Number 43 (70 Old Mill Road, 2317511 Ontario Inc., File No.: OPA.1614.77).  (Re: Item 7.1)

A by-law to amend the Town of Oakville Zoning By-law 2014-014, as amended, to permit the use of lands described as 70 Old Mill Road (2317511 Ontario Inc., File No.: 1614.77).  (Re: Item 7.1)

A by-law to designate the Glenclare Farmhouse on Part 4 of Plan 20R-22101, being a portion of 4243 Sixth Line, as a property of cultural heritage value or interest.

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council.

No Item Selected