Moved by: Councillor Haslett-Theall
Seconded by: Councillor Gittings
WHEREAS, Oakville public feedback consistently supports growth while expressing concerns over excessive density and insufficient parkland;
WHEREAS, Town Council and Town Planning Staff have conducted extensive expert professional studies and engaged the public at every stage in accordance with the principles of good planning to establish the January 17, 2025, Town Planning Staff draft Midtown Official Plan Amendment (OPA) whose bold policies when adopted by Council and approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing will guide Midtown's growth;
WHEREAS, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Premier have stated the importance of local officials in planning land use and development;
WHEREAS, the provincially led Transit-Oriented Community (TOC) process removed Oakville’s locally elected Council and professional planning staff from the planning process on the Distrikt applications;
WHEREAS, the confidentiality requirements in the provincially-led TOC process limited the public’s and Council’s ability to understand and discuss the TOC proposal, fostering public mistrust regarding Council’s views of the TOC plan;
WHEREAS, in December, the Premier texted to residents, “The Mayor has endorsed the plan”. On Dec 19 the Mayor reported to Council he has not endorsed the TOC plan or made commitments to the Province or Distrikt;
WHEREAS, the TOC proposal’s density is extreme and increases units beyond Distrikt’s initial applications and increased community concerns about density, livability, sustainability and achieving a complete community;
WHEREAS, the Town staff December 19 analysis and critique to the Ministry of Infrastructure responding to the TOC application identifies that Oakville’s draft Midtown OPA will more effectively and more quickly achieve the goals of a Transit Oriented Community than the December proposal by the TOC which fails to achieve any of its stated objectives;
WHEREAS, the TOC proposal fails to align with the draft Midtown OPA and may set a dangerous precedent by prioritizing excessive density over more balanced and sustainable development that would produce much needed new housing sooner;
WHEREAS, Oakville continues to meet provincial housing goals and growth requirements achieving 125% of its housing supply goal for 2024 through proactive, holistic planning, including the draft Midtown OPA with supports for community benefits, sustainability, and livability; and
WHEREAS, transparent communication and TOC and Distrikt alignment with the Midtown OPA once approved are essential to achieving Oakville’s vision for a compact, complete, and livable Midtown that meets and exceeds Provincial requirements in the Minister’s approval with modifications of Halton Region Official Plan Amendment 49 which established Oakville’s growth forecasts.
Therefore, be it resolved that:
- Council endorses and aligns with the analysis of the initial TOC proposal in December by Oakville professional Planning Staff and therefore does not support the TOC proposal.
- The Mayor Burton and Council will strongly advocate to Distrikt and the Province that the TOC respect and align with the Midtown OPA upon approval to support a unified planning approach.
- Council reaffirms its commitment to an OPA for Midtown that will achieve a liveable, sustainable, complete community while fulfilling provincial growth targets.