Town of Oakville


Meeting #:
Council Chamber

There are no public presentations listed for this agenda.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2025-003 be passed authorizing the temporary borrowing of monies to meet current expenditures should the needs arise in 2025, until taxes are collected and other revenues are received.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2025-004 be passed, authorizing the raising of $5,694,800 for various capital projects through the issuance and sale of debentures.

  • Recommendation:

    That By-law 2025-002 - A by-law to dedicate certain land as part of a public highway (Part 1, Plan 20R-20707, except Part 1, Plan 20R-22428 – Charles Cornwall Avenue, Part 3, Plan 20R-20707 – Merton Road) be passed.

  • Recommendation:

    1. That an Investment Plan to use $9,000,000 in funds for the Royal Windsor Drive Bridge Rehabilitation and up to $7,908,182 in funds for the Khalsa Gate Urbanization & Streetscape project, be approved to be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the 2025 Building Faster Fund program year.
    2. That staff be delegated the authority to submit any necessary revisions to the 2025 Investment Plan utilizing the projects listed in Table 3 of this report.
    3. That the refinancing of capital projects that are approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the use of Building Faster Fund program funding be approved.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That Council approve the updated Agendas, Meetings, Resolutions, and Decisions Policy, and the updates to the following related procedures:
      1. Responding to Resolutions Procedure;
      2. Submission and Distribution of Agenda Items for Council Meetings Procedure;
      3. Public Meeting Protocol Procedure; and
      4. Committee of Adjustment Appeals Procedure.
    2. That Council approve the following existing policies:
      1. Administration of Recreation and Culture Programs and Services Policy; and
      2. Securities Policy
    3. That Council approve the revised Fee Assistance Recreation Connection Program subsidy amount, as listed in the report from the Clerk’s department, dated January 14, 2025, effective immediately.

  • Recommendation:

    That Council the 2025 capital budget be amended to add a capital project entitled Oakville Harbour Dredging – July 2024 Storm Impacts with a budget of $1,500,000 funded from the Storm Event Reserve.

Notice of Motion from December 16, 2024 Council Meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved by: Councillor O'Meara

    Seconded by: Councillor McNeice

    WHEREAS, traffic on Bronte Road, between Lakeshore Road West and Marine Drive, is currently restricted to one-way southbound travel through a Temporary Street Occupancy Permit related to the construction at 85 Bronte Road; and

    WHEREAS, a request to extend the Temporary Street Occupancy Permit for 2025 has been received; and

    WHEREAS, through the 2025 Budget Process, staff were requested to report back on the potential for a permanent one-way configuration of Bronte Road between Lakeshore Road West and Marine Drive; and

    WHEREAS, when the Temporary Street Occupancy Permit expires or fails, Bronte Road would revert to two-way traffic; and

    WHEREAS, reverting temporarily to two-way traffic could be disruptive and confusing for residents, businesses and visitor in Bronte.

    THEREFORE, be it resolved that:

    1. If the current Temporary Street Occupancy Permit for 85 Bronte Road expires or fails, that the Director, Transportation and Engineering be directed and authorized to:
      1. Implement a temporary one-way southbound traffic configuration on Bronte Road, from Lakeshore Road West to Marine Drive, for a period of 24 months.
      2. Update the Traffic By-law to reflect the temporary one-way southbound traffic configuration on Bronte Road, from Lakeshore Road West to Marine Drive.
      3. Sole source contract be approved for the procurement of the equipment necessary to set up the one-way street configuration in order to have the changes in place.
    2. That the 2025 capital budget be amended to add $70,000 from the Capital Reserve to project 53412404 Road Safety Program for the temporary one-way conversion of Bronte Road, from Lakeshore Road West to Marine Drive.

Notice of motion from December 16, 2024 Council Meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved by: Councillor Haslett-Theall

    Seconded by: Councillor Gittings


    1. Town Council and staff have conducted extensive assessments and public engagement to establish a responsible vision for Midtown's growth, supported by expert market analysis and Town Planning staff.
    2. Public feedback consistently supports reasonable growth while expressing concerns over excessive density and insufficient parkland.
    3. The provincially imposed Transit-Oriented Community (TOC) development process undermines local planning authority, contrary to Minister Calandra and the Premier’s stated importance of local planning.
    4. The TOC proposal significantly exceeds provincial density targets, with 2,350 people and jobs per hectare—10 times the minimum requirement—and increases units beyond initial applications without addressing community concerns.
    5. The TOC proposal diverges from the draft OPA and sets a dangerous precedent by prioritizing mega-density over balanced and sustainable development.
    6. Oakville continues to meet provincial housing goals and growth requirements through proactive planning, including the draft OPA, and supports community benefits and livability.
    7. Recent provincial-imposed confidentiality (now lifted) has limited Council's ability to discuss the TOC proposal, fostering public mistrust regarding the Mayor and Council’s stance on the plan.
    8. The Premier is stating the “ The Mayor has endorsed the plan”.
    9. Transparent communication and alignment with the draft OPA are essential to protect Oakville’s vision for a compact, complete, and livable Midtown.

    Therefore, be it resolved that:

    1. Council does not endorse or approve the TOC proposal.
    2. The TOC proposal is inconsistent with Council’s input on the draft OPA and must be integrated into the OPA to ensure a unified planning approach for Midtown.
    3. Council requests the Mayor publicly clarify whether he has endorsed the TOC proposal and disclose any commitments made to the Province or developer (Distrikt).
    4. Council reaffirms its commitment to an OPA for Midtown that achieves provincial density targets while prioritizing local needs, livability, and sustainable growth.
  • Recommendation:
    1. That By-law 2025-016, a by-law to regulate election signs in the Town of Oakville attached as Appendix A to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated January 14, 2025, be passed. 


    2. That By-law 2025-017, a by-law to amend Sign By-law 2018-153 attached as Appendix B to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated January 14, 2025, be passed. 


    3. That By-law 2025-018, a by-law to amend Administrative Penalties for Non-Parking Violations and Orders By-law 2021-038 attached as Appendix C to the report from Municipal Enforcement Services dated January 14, 2025, be passed. 


    4. That the item labeled as “Deposit - Election Signs” in the Rates and Fees Schedule be changed to “Election Sign Permit Fee” effective immediately, and such change be included in the Rates and Fees Schedule. 

  • Recommendation:

    That the presentation from Rob Lister, President and CEO of Oakville Enterprises Corporation (OEC) regarding the quarterly update be received.

  • Recommendation:

    That the Notice of Completion for the Fourteen Mile Creek and McCraney Creek Flood Mitigation Opportunities Study, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study be published, commencing a 30-day public review period from April 1, 2025, to April 30, 2025.

(Notice of Motion, Emergency, Congratulatory or Condolence)

That the following by-law(s) be passed:

A by-law to dedicate certain land as part of a public highway (Part 1, Plan 20R-20707, except Part 1, Plan 20R-22428 – Charles Cornwall Avenue, Part 3, Plan 20R-20707 – Merton Road) (Item 8.3)

A by-law to authorize the temporary borrowing of monies for 2025 (Item 8.1)

 A by-law to authorize the issuance and sale of debentures up to a maximum of $5,694,800 towards the financing of the capital projects with an estimated total cost of $5,694,800 (Item 8.2)

A by-law to regulate election signs in the Town of Oakville (Item 10.3)

A by-law to amend Sign By-law 2018-153 (Item 10.3)

A by-law to amend Administrative Penalties for Non-Parking Violations and Orders By-law 2021-038 (Item 10.3)

A by-law to amend By-law 2022-125 as amended, a by-law to make appointments to the Board of Management for the Downtown Oakville Business Improvement Area

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council

No Item Selected