Town of Oakville


Meeting #:
Council Chamber

There are no public presentations listed for this agenda.

Item 8.5 see addendum to be distributed.  

  • Recommendation:

    That the 2025 Business Plan and Budget for Halton Court Services, along with the recommendations detailed in Appendix A, be approved.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the 2025 Recommended Budget for the Downtown Oakville Business Improvement Area, requiring a levy of $1,261,212, as shown in Appendix A, be approved;

    2. That the 2025 Recommended Budget for the Bronte Village Business Improvement Area, requiring a levy of $391,775, as shown in Appendix B, be approved;
    3. That the 2025 Recommended Budget for the Kerr Village Business Improvement Area, requiring a levy of $459,745, as shown in Appendix C, be approved;
    4. That the relevant Board of Management approve any subsequent revision or reallocation of funds, within these budgets. The resolution shall be provided to the Treasurer, or designate of the town, who shall determine the significance of the change and advise if it requires Council approval.
    5. That the Boards of Management ensure that the procurement of supplies and services, within the approved budgets, meet the requirements of the town’s Purchasing By-law.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the penalty for “Park on Private Property Without Authorization” under section 2 of By-law 1981-65 be increased to $65.

    2. That the penalty for “Park on Private Property Without Authorization” under section 2 of By-law 1981-65 be immediately updated in the 2025 Rates and Fees Schedule to $65.

    3. That the amending By-law 2025-042 to the Towing Without The Vehicle Owner’s Consent By-law 2024 – 187 attached as Appendix A be passed to better clarify By-law 2024 – 187.

Prioritization of the Short-Term Parks, Recreation and Library Master Plan Actions


There are no Confidential Consent Items listed for this agenda.

Deferred Notice of Motion from January 27, 2025

  • Recommendation:

    Moved by: Councillor O'Meara

    Seconded by: Councillor McNeice

    WHEREAS, traffic on Bronte Road, between Lakeshore Road West and Marine Drive, is currently restricted to one-way southbound travel through a Temporary Street Occupancy Permit related to the construction at 85 Bronte Road; and

    WHEREAS, a request to extend the Temporary Street Occupancy Permit for 2025 has been received; and

    WHEREAS, through the 2025 Budget Process, staff were requested to report back on the potential for a permanent one-way configuration of Bronte Road between Lakeshore Road West and Marine Drive; and

    WHEREAS, when the Temporary Street Occupancy Permit expires or fails, Bronte Road would revert to two-way traffic; and

    WHEREAS, reverting temporarily to two-way traffic could be disruptive and confusing for residents, businesses and visitor in Bronte.

    THEREFORE, be it resolved that:

    1. If the current Temporary Street Occupancy Permit for 85 Bronte Road expires or fails, that the Director, Transportation and Engineering be directed and authorized to:
      1. Implement a temporary one-way southbound traffic configuration on Bronte Road, from Lakeshore Road West to Marine Drive, for a period of 24 months.
      2. Update the Traffic By-law to reflect the temporary one-way southbound traffic configuration on Bronte Road, from Lakeshore Road West to Marine Drive.
      3. Sole source contract be approved for the procurement of the equipment necessary to set up the one-way street configuration in order to have the changes in place.
    2. That the 2024 capital budget be amended to add $70,000 from the Capital Reserve to project 53412404 Road Safety Program for the temporary one-way conversion of Bronte Road, from Lakeshore Road West to Marine Drive.

Notice of Motion from January 27, 2025.

  • Recommendation:

    Moved by: Councillor O'Meara

    Seconded by: Councillor Xie

    WHEREAS the Town of Oakville values the benefit to Oakville business and jobs from strong economic and trade relationship between Canada and the United States, including the mutual benefits derived from a fair and open exchange of goods and services;

    WHEREAS Oakville businesses are integral to the economic prosperity and vibrancy of our community, creating jobs and supporting local families;

    WHEREAS the proposed 25% tariffs on all goods by the United States could disproportionately harm Canadian, Ontario and Oakville businesses, leading to increased costs, reduced competitiveness, and potential job losses;

    WHEREAS tariffs of this nature undermine the principles of free and fair trade and create uncertainty for local businesses that rely on cross-border trade;

    WHEREAS collaboration with and advocacy at all levels of government are essential to protecting our local economy and supporting our businesses and jobs;

    THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Oakville affirms its strong support for the work of the governments of Ontario and Canada to counter the proposed tariffs on Oakville goods and services by the United States;

    THAT the Town of Oakville expresses its solidarity with Oakville businesses that would be adversely impacted by these tariffs and commits to supporting them through advocacy;

    THAT the Town of Oakville formally supports the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario opposition to these tariffs and to protect Canadian businesses, including engaging in diplomacy, trade negotiations, and other appropriate measures;

    THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative and all local Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) and Members of Parliament (MPs) for their information and support; and

    THAT the Mayor and Town Staff be directed to communicate this resolution to Oakville businesses and to continue to monitor and inform Council on any developments related to these proposed tariffs.

There are no Advisory Committee Minutes listed for this agenda.

(Notice of Motion, Emergency, Congratulatory or Condolence)

That the following by-law(s) be passed:

A by-law to amend Administrative Penalties for Non-Parking Violations and Orders By-law 2021-038

A by-law to amend EV Charging Station By-law 2020-084

A by-law to amend Fire Route By-law 1981-066

A by-law to amend Parks By-law 2013-013

A by-law to amend Towing Without the Vehicle Owner’s Consent By-law 2024-187(RE: Item 8.4)

A by-law to amend Uniform Traffic Control By-law 1984-1

A by-law to By-law 1965-10, being a by-law providing for the use of parking meters and parking payment machines

A by-law to amend By-law 1981-65, being a by-law to prohibit the parking or leaving of motor vehicles on private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property

A by-law to amend By-law 1979-59, being a by-law to regulate the parking of vehicles on Town parking lots controlled by a parking payment machine or parking permit

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council