Town of OakvillePlanning and Development CouncilREVISED AGENDAMeeting #:Date:Monday, May 06, 2024Time: 6:30 P.m. - 10:30 P.m.Location:Council ChamberTown Hall is open to the public and live streaming video is available on or at the town's YouTube channel at Information regarding written submissions and requests to delegate can be found at 2.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest 3.Committee of the Whole 4.Consent Items(s) There are no Consent Items listed for this agenda.5.Confidential Consent Item(s) Items 5.1 and 5.2 see confidential addendum.5.1Appeal to Ontario Land Tribunal - COA Minor Variance Decision - 510 Wellington Crescent 5.2Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal - 496 Chartwell Road 6.Public Hearing Item(s) 6.1Public Meeting and Recommendation Report – Town-initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments – Four Units As-of-Right and Sheridan College Housing Area (File No. 42.15.62 and 42.15.63) – May 6, 2024 1.Recommendation Report - Final.pdf2.APPENDIX A - OPA 65 - Additional Dwelling Units (Livable Oakville).pdf3.APPENDIX B - OPA 330 - Additional Dwelling Units (NOESP).pdf4.APPENDIX C - ZBA - By-law 2024-053 - Additional Dwelling units (ZBL 2014-014).pdf5.APPENDIX D - ZBA - By-law 2024-054 - Additional Dwelling Units (ZBL 2009-189).pdf6.APPENDIX E - OPA 66 - Sheridan College Housing Area (Livable Oakville).pdf7.APPENDIX F - ZBA - By-law 2024-056 - Sheridan College Housing Area.pdf8.APPENDIX G - Sheridan College Housing Area - Lot Consolidation Guidance.pdf9.APPENDIX H - Jurisdictional Scan.pdf10.APPENDIX I - Online Survey Results.pdf11.APPENDIX J - Written Submissions_42.15.62_42.15.63_20240411_redacted.pdf12.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Planning Department.pdf13.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Adil Nazarali.pdf14.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Annette Vormbaum.pdf15.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Barry R Lynch.pdf16.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Bill Patterson.pdf17.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Cecilia Jofre.pdf18.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Cheryle Noel.pdf19.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Eileen Olsthoorn.pdf20.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Gerry Olsthoorn.pdf21.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Hussein Remtulla.pdf22.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Ivan and Zdravka Beslic.pdf23.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - latha Kondajji.pdf24.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Lawrence Falconer.pdf25.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Lyn Wiggins.pdf26.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Michelle Mullins.pdf27.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Myra and John Willis.pdf28.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Mr and Mrs Saad.pdf29.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Paul Calderon.pdf30.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Paula Durbano.pdf31.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Pina Palumbo.pdf32.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Ron Bell.pdf33.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Shelley and Bradley Price.pdf34.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Steve Beslic.pdf35.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Susan Hagley.pdf36.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Terry McMahon.pdf37.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Theresa Efendov.pdf38.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Virginia and Gerard Aumais.pdf39.Item 6.1 - Correspondence- Jessica and Jamie Lynam.pdf40.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Srinidhi Kashyap.pdf41.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Petition Srinidhi Kashyap.pdf42.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Carlos Acosta and Monica Escobar.pdf43.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Donna Lawrence.pdf44.Item 6.1 - Correspondence- Petition Ann Ferraro.pdf45.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Terry Murphy.pdf46.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Mohit Wadhwani.pdf47.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Denise Baker WeirFoulds.pdf48.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Stephen Johnson.pdf49.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Petition Derek Zapp.pdf50.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Mileina Nazarali.pdfRecommendation:That comments from the public with respect to the town-initiated Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments (File No. 42.15.62 and 42.15.63), be received.That Council provide direction with respect to the town-initiated Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments, that are provided in report Public Meeting and Recommendation Report – Town-initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments – Four Units As-of-Right and Sheridan College Housing Area (File No. 42.15.62 and 42.15.63), dated April 23, 2024. 7.Discussion Item(s) 7.12024 Heritage Grant Program Recommendations 1.2024-05-06 - 2024 Heritage Grant Program Recommendations.pdf2.Appendix A - 2024 Grant Recommendations.pdfRecommendation:That the 2024 funding allotment as attached in ‘Appendix A - Recommended Grant Projects and Maximum Approved Amounts’ to the report titled 2024 Heritage Grant Program Recommendations dated April 23, 2024, be approved.7.2Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024, and Proposed Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 1.Staff Report - Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.pdf2.Appendix A to Staff Report - Provinicial Proposal Links.pdfRecommendation:That the staff comments included in the report “Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 and Proposed Provincial Planning Statement, 2024” dated April 23, 2024, be submitted to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO), per their respective ERO postings. That the report titled “Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 and Proposed Provincial Planning Statement, 2024” dated April 23, 2024, be forwarded by the Town Clerk to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Halton Area MPPs, Halton Region, the City of Burlington, the Town of Halton Hills, the Town of Milton, Conservation Halton and Credit Valley Conservation.8.Confidential Discussion Item(s) Item 8.1 see confidential agenda.8.1Confidential – Ontario Land Tribunal Appeal (OLT-24-000192) Format Lakeshore Inc. 9.Advisory Committee Minutes 9.1Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee Minutes April 23, 2024 1.Post-Meeting Minutes - HOAC_Apr23_2024 - English.pdfRecommendation:That the following Committee minutes from its meeting on April 23, 2024 minutes be received. 10.Rise and Report to Council 11.New Business (Emergency, Congratulatory or Condolence)12.Consideration and Reading of By-laws That the following by-law(s) be passed:12.1By-law 2024-051 A by-law to adopt an amendment to the Livable Oakville Plan, Official Plan Amendment Number 65 (Housing Minister Request - HAF - Additional Dwelling Units No. 42.15.62) (Re: Item 6.1)12.2By-law 2024-052 A by-law to adopt an amendment to the 1984 Oakville Official Plan as it applies to the North Oakville East Secondary Plan, Official Plan Amendment Number 330 (Housing Minister Request - HAF - Additional Dwelling Units File No. 42.15.62) (Re: Item 6.1)12.3By-law 2024-053 A by-law to amend Town of Oakville Zoning By-law 2014-014 to make a number of technical modifications to permit three additional dwelling units affecting various zones. (Town-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment, File No. 42.15.62) (Re: Item 6.1)12.4By-law 2024-054 A by-law to amend Town of Oakville Zoning By-law 2009-189 to make a number of technical modifications to permit three additional dwelling units affecting various zones. (Town-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment, File No. 42.15.62) (Re: Item 6.1)12.5By-law 2024-055 A by-law to adopt an amendment to the Livable Oakville Plan, Official Plan Amendment Number 66 (Housing Minister Request - HAF - Sheridan College Housing Area - Special Policy Area, File No. 42.15.63) (Re: Item 6.1)12.6By-law 2024-056 A by-law to amend the Town of Oakville Zoning By-law 2014-014, as amended, to permit expanded medium density housing options throughout the area, including building heights up to four storeys when provided in an apartment built form. (Re: Item 6.1)12.7By-law 2024-069 1.PLC 04-24 - Various Blocks, Plan 20M-1268.pdfA by-law to declare that certain land is not subject to part lot control (Blocks 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, Plan 20M-1268 – Mattamy (Joshua Creek) Limited)12.8By-law 2024-078 1.By-law 2024-078 Confirming.pdfA by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council.13.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments.1.PLC 04-24 - Various Blocks, Plan 20M-1268.pdf1.Post-Meeting Minutes - HOAC_Apr23_2024 - English.pdf1.By-law 2024-078 Confirming.pdf1.2024-05-06 - 2024 Heritage Grant Program Recommendations.pdf2.Appendix A - 2024 Grant Recommendations.pdf1.Recommendation Report - Final.pdf2.APPENDIX A - OPA 65 - Additional Dwelling Units (Livable Oakville).pdf3.APPENDIX B - OPA 330 - Additional Dwelling Units (NOESP).pdf4.APPENDIX C - ZBA - By-law 2024-053 - Additional Dwelling units (ZBL 2014-014).pdf5.APPENDIX D - ZBA - By-law 2024-054 - Additional Dwelling Units (ZBL 2009-189).pdf6.APPENDIX E - OPA 66 - Sheridan College Housing Area (Livable Oakville).pdf7.APPENDIX F - ZBA - By-law 2024-056 - Sheridan College Housing Area.pdf8.APPENDIX G - Sheridan College Housing Area - Lot Consolidation Guidance.pdf9.APPENDIX H - Jurisdictional Scan.pdf10.APPENDIX I - Online Survey Results.pdf11.APPENDIX J - Written Submissions_42.15.62_42.15.63_20240411_redacted.pdf12.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Planning Department.pdf13.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Adil Nazarali.pdf14.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Annette Vormbaum.pdf15.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Barry R Lynch.pdf16.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Bill Patterson.pdf17.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Cecilia Jofre.pdf18.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Cheryle Noel.pdf19.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Eileen Olsthoorn.pdf20.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Gerry Olsthoorn.pdf21.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Hussein Remtulla.pdf22.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Ivan and Zdravka Beslic.pdf23.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - latha Kondajji.pdf24.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Lawrence Falconer.pdf25.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Lyn Wiggins.pdf26.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Michelle Mullins.pdf27.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Myra and John Willis.pdf28.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Mr and Mrs Saad.pdf29.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Paul Calderon.pdf30.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Paula Durbano.pdf31.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Pina Palumbo.pdf32.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Ron Bell.pdf33.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Shelley and Bradley Price.pdf34.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Steve Beslic.pdf35.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Susan Hagley.pdf36.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Terry McMahon.pdf37.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Theresa Efendov.pdf38.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Virginia and Gerard Aumais.pdf39.Item 6.1 - Correspondence- Jessica and Jamie Lynam.pdf40.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Srinidhi Kashyap.pdf41.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Petition Srinidhi Kashyap.pdf42.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Carlos Acosta and Monica Escobar.pdf43.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Donna Lawrence.pdf44.Item 6.1 - Correspondence- Petition Ann Ferraro.pdf45.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Terry Murphy.pdf46.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Mohit Wadhwani.pdf47.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Denise Baker WeirFoulds.pdf48.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Stephen Johnson.pdf49.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Petition Derek Zapp.pdf50.Item 6.1 - Correspondence - Mileina Nazarali.pdf1.Staff Report - Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.pdf2.Appendix A to Staff Report - Provinicial Proposal Links.pdf