To The Covid-19 Emergency attendance at Town Hall is
restricted and public meetings are being held by videoconference only.
Live Streaming Video
Live streaming
video of Oakville Council meetings is available on oakville.ca/live. After the
meeting videos are located on the town’s YouTube channel at
How to register to speak or send written
a) Submit comments in
Submit comments in writing, by email,
to townclerk@oakville.ca. Comments
received by the Clerk by noon on the day of the meeting will be provided
to the Members prior to the meeting.
b) Register to speak
prior to the meeting:
Requests to speak must be received by the
Clerk by noon on the last business day before the day of the meeting either by
emailing townclerk@oakville.ca or phone
905-815-6015. All PowerPoint presentations must be emailed to the Clerk by noon
the day of the meeting.
All requests to delegate should include a copy of the delegate’s
intended remarks which will be circulated to Council/committee members in
advance as a backup should technology issues occur. Applicants, consultants
and members of the public are encouraged to pre-register prior to the meeting.
Pre-registered delegates will be provided with all applicable access codes and
instructions to enter the virtual meeting and will also be asked to test their
audio and video prior to the meeting by clicking on this link - https://zoom.us/test.
c) Call into the
live meeting:
During the live meeting on Oakville.ca, call
905-815-6095 if you wish to speak about an item on the agenda. Staff will ask
the following questions; your name, item number you wish to address, and your
telephone number. You will remain on the phone and will be provided with instructions
to connect to the meeting. You will enter the meeting muted and when it is your
turn to speak Clerk’s staff will unmute you or you can press *9 on your phone’s
keypad to raise your hand to advise the Clerk you wish to speak.
d) Public
Hearing Items
After all registered delegations are
completed the Chair will then make a last call for delegations, which will
allow for members of the public who are watching on Oakville.ca, time to call
in to speak. There is a 30 second lag in the webcast so the Chair will pause to
allow sufficient time for this to happen (approx. 5 minutes).
Public Hearings
If a person or public
body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written
submissions to Council on a proposed Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law
Amendment and/or Plan of Subdivision or Condominium, before a decision is made,
the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of Oakville
Council to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT); and may not be added as a
party to the hearing of an appeal before the LPAT.