
Livable Oakville (Official Plan Review)

Council Sub-committee




Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Bronte and Palermo Rooms

Oakville Municipal Building

1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville



Present:              Mayor Rob Burton, Chair

                             Councillor Tom Adams

                             Councillor Cathy Duddeck

                             Councillor Allan Elgar

                             Councillor Dave Gittings

                             Councillor Jeff Knoll

                             Councillor Sean O’Meara


Staff:                   J. Clohecy, Commission of Community Development

                             M. Simeoni, Director of Planning Services

                             D. Childs, Manager of Policy Planning

                             K. Biggar, Senior Planner

                             L. Gill Woods, Acting Senior Planner

                             C. Dodds, Policy Planner

                             B. Sunderland, Policy Planner

                             D. Wedderburn, Policy Planner

                             L. Morgan, Council and Committee Coordinator

                             J. Warren, Council and Committee Coordinator


Also Present:     Councillor Roger Lapworth

                             Councillor Natalia Lishchyna

The items in these minutes are not necessarily in the order discussed.





Call to Order


Mayor Burton called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. 






There were no regrets.




Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)



Initial Meeting - No minutes to be confirmed.




Business Arising from the Minutes



Not applicable.




Discussion Item(s)




Election of Chair


Mayor Burton called for nominations for the position of Chair of the Livable Oakville (Official Plan Review) Council Sub-committee.  Councillor Elgar nominated Mayor Burton for the position of Chair.  The Mayor accepted the nomination.


There being no further nominations put forth, the nominations were closed on motion by Councillor Knoll.


Moved by Councillor Elgar


That Mayor Burton be appointed Chair of the Livable Oakville (Official Plan Review) Council Sub-committee.












Official Plan Review - Overview



Urban Structure Review 

(Discussion Items 5b and 5c were presented concurrently.)


Mark Simeoni, Director of Planning Services, provided an overview of the Official Plan Review advising that it was a planning document mandated under the Planning Act to set out goals and objectives for the physical development of the municipality, which must adhere to provincial plans, and also conform to the Halton Region Official Plan.


Mr. Simeoni stated that the Provincial Policy Statement and various other provincial plans, i.e., Places to Grow, Greenbelt Plan, etc., were factors in guiding the decision-making process with respect to Oakville’s official plan. He also noted that in developing the official plan, consideration must be given to the significant growth expected to take place in the Region of Halton in the upcoming years.   


Mr. Simeoni indicated that the Livable Oakville Plan and the North Oakville East and West Secondary Plans would be incorporated into the Livable Oakville Plan by the end of this review process, resulting in one town-wide official plan.  He reviewed the background studies that would be undertaken in the coming months and noted that the public would be invited to provide input on all of the studies.  Mr. Simeoni reported that an overview of the Employment and Commercial Review would be provided at the next sub‑committee meeting for consideration by the members.  He also advised that a number of meetings had been held with respect to the Main Street Growth Areas Reviews and that these meetings had been well attended by the public. 


With respect to the Urban Structure Review, Mr. Simeoni indicated that the review would involve studies regarding the employment areas, primary growth areas, main street growth areas and stable residential areas.  Study considerations for these reviews would include:

·         population projections;

·         locational assessment of existing and potential growth areas;

·         criteria for evaluation of new growth areas;

·         relationship between growth areas and municipal infrastructure;

·         urban structure for the town to accommodate growth until 2041;

·         desired land use pattern;

·         conformity with provincial/regional plans;

·         preservation of stable residential areas; and

·         potential impact on planned growth areas if Glen Abbey Golf Course redevelops as proposed.



Mr. Simeoni provided an overview of the phases of the work plan as follows:

·         Phase 1 – Study Initiation (February 2015)

·         Phase 2 – Background Review (March – June 2016)

·         Phase 3 – Option Development and Review (July – November 2016)

·         Phase 4 – Implementation (December 2016 – February 2017)


Responding to questions from the members with respect to the provincial ‘Crombie’ report and its recommendations regarding issues related to maintaining natural and cultural heritage, infrastructure, environment and climate change, Jane Clohecy, Commissioner of Community Development, advised that as part of the overall review, these elements would be included in the process. 


In response to further questions, staff indicated that discussion papers and policy papers would specifically address the individual elements related to the coordinated review of the provincial plan report.  It was suggested that staff consider whether Council might wish to conform/aspire to the themes included in the ‘Crombie’ report. 


Replying to questions regarding the provincial figures with respect to the expected population growth in the region climbing to one million by 2041, Mr. Simeoni indicated that allocation of the new provincial numbers would be addressed through Halton Region’s five year official plan review.  He advised that a steering committee, consisting of regional and local Planning Directors would be formed to address this matter.  It was anticipated that a report from the steering committee would be submitted to the Regional Council within the next few months outlining the work program and the scope of work to be completed.


In responding to additional questions with respect to legislation proposing a 10 year timeframe for the required review of official plans, rather than the current five year timeframe, staff indicated that the plan could still be open to review every five years.  A question was asked if the Uptown Core Growth Area Review would be as comprehensive as it had been through the Livable Oakville process.  Diane Childs, Manager of Policy Planning, advised that the Uptown Core Study would be an update, and not an entirely new study.


Discussion ensued and members raised the following issues for consideration:

·         Development of risk management planning documents and policies.

·         Confirmation that the town would have one Livable Oakville Plan combining the current Livable Oakville and the North Oakville Secondary Plans.

·         Revisions to the planning application process in order to review applications on a step by step basis (working from the top layer down to conform upward).

·         Review of the zoning by-law in conjunction with the official plan review in order to eliminate any discrepancies.

·         Development of a tighter transition policy within the growth areas.

·         Financial risk of growth.

·         Enhancing the use of Section 37 (bonusing) in the planning process.


Moved by Councillor O’Meara


That the information regarding the Official Plan Review – Overview, and the Urban Structure Review, be received.







Five Year Official Plan Review - Public Engagement and Consultation Update 


Brad Sunderland, Policy Planner, provided a presentation regarding the public engagement and consultation process with respect to the five year official plan review.  Mr. Sunderland reported that in September 2014, the Planners on Duty (PODS) program was initiated with staff attending a number of events across the town providing the public with an opportunity to provide feedback and share ideas with respect to town planning and community building.  He stated that staff had held over 25 sessions at 15 different locations, i.e., Oakville Place Mall, seniors centres, recreation centres, Town Square, etc., and had spoken with over 1000 people, including elementary and high school students, regarding their likes and dislikes and what  features and qualities of the town they consider to be the most important. 


Mr. Sunderland advised that following the official launch of the five year official plan review in May 2015, open houses and stakeholder engagement sessions were held with respect to the following studies:

·         Employment and Commercial Land Review – two open houses and two stakeholder meetings (June 2015) – 50 people in attendance;

·         North Oakville Review – two stakeholder meetings;

·         Main Street Growth Areas Review:

o   Bronte Village Growth Area – three open houses, numerous stakeholder meetings – with one open house attracting over 120 people

o   Kerr Village Growth Area – two open houses and some stakeholder meetings – each open house attracting 40-50 people;

o   Downtown Oakville Growth Area – one open house attracting approximately 75 people.


Mr. Sunderland indicated that staff were communicating in a number of different ways with members of the public to advise them of upcoming events and open houses, including:

·         e-blast;

·         Oakville Beaver newspaper ads;

·         flyer handouts on street corners;

·         direct mail to stakeholders;

·         mobile sign boards;

·         posters on community centre boards;

·         twitter;

·         facebook; and

·         town website (calendar, public notice page, project webpages).


Mr. Sunderland further advised that members of the public could also provide feedback and comments at [email protected].


Responding to a question regarding a review of the corridors of Trafalgar Road and Dundas Street in light of future growth, Diane Childs, Manager of Policy Planning, stated that Trafalgar Road, Speers Road and Dundas Street were identified in the existing official plan and once the North Oakville Secondary Plan has been incorporated into the Livable Oakville Plan, the corridors identified in the North Oakville Secondary Plan, i.e., Trafalgar Road, would be included in the updated official plan.


Moved by Councillor Duddeck


That the information regarding the Five Year Official Plan Review – Public Engagement and Consultation Update, be received.






Information Item(s)


There were no information items.






Items to be Discussed at Next/Future Meetings


-     Future Oakville Council Representation on the Region of Halton Council




Date and Time of Next Meeting


Monday, March 21, 2016
Oakville Municipal Building 
Council Chamber - 1:00 p.m.







The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 2:07 p.m.