NINTH Meeting - Regular Session
The Town of Oakville Council
met in regular session to consider planning matters on this 9th day
of March, 2020 in the Council Chamber of the Oakville Municipal Building,
1225 Trafalgar Road, commencing at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor - Rob Burton
Councillors - Tom Adams
- Ray
- Cathy
- Allan
- Marc
- Janet
- Jeff
- Natalia
- Peter
- Sean
- Pavan
- Beth
- Jasvinder
Sandhu (Arrived at 7:17 p.m.)
Staff - J.
Clohecy, Acting Chief Administrative Officer
- J. Barry,
Acting Commissioner of Community Development
- N. Sully, Acting Commissioner of Corporate Services and Treasurer
- D. Carr,
Town Solicitor
- N.
Chandra, Assistant Town Solicitor
- J.
Huctwith, Assistant Town Solicitor
- G.
Charles, Senior Manager of Current Planning and Urban Design
- M. Covert,
Acting Senior Manager of Transportation Strategy
- D. Childs,
Manager of Policy Planning and Heritage
- H. Hecht,
Manager of Current Planning - East District
- C.
Hewitson, Manager of Financial Planning and Policy
- C.
McConnell, Manager of Current Planning - West District
- C.
Tizzard, Manager of Urban Design
- P.
Barrette, Senior Planner, Current Planning – West District
- L. Musson,
Senior Planner, Current Planning – East District
- R. Thun,
Senior Planner, Current Planning – West District
- C. Dodds,
Policy Planner
- K.
Patrick, Acting Town Clerk
- J.
Marcovecchio, Council and Committee Coordinator
Regrets: Councillor - Dave Gittings
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
No declarations of pecuniary interest were declared.
Committee of the Whole
Moved by
Councillor Lishchyna Seconded by Councillor Chisholm
That this
meeting proceed into a Committee of the Whole session.
In accordance with Section 2(8) of the
Procedure By-law, the items were considered out of order.
Moved by Councillor Robertson
That the Zoning By-law Amendment
application (File No.: Z.1307.05) submitted by Mattamy (Joshua Creek)
Limited, to remove the Holding Provision “H28” from a portion of the lands
within 24T-12004/1307 located at 1429 Dundas Street East (Lots 128-141 –
24T-12004/1307), be approved.
That By-law 2020-019, a by-law to
remove a portion of the Holding Provision “H28” from Zoning By-law
2009-189, as amended be passed.
Moved by Councillor Robertson
That the Director of Planning Services
be authorized to grant draft plan approval to the Draft Plan of Standard
Condominium (24CDM-19009/1613) submitted by JRB – 331 Sheddon Holdings
Inc., and prepared by Cunningham McConnell Limited dated February 10, 2020,
subject to the conditions contained in Appendix ‘A’.
For the purposes of Planning Act requirements,
the following person(s) made an oral submission:
- Pamela Knight, President, Coronation Park Residents Association,
re: in support of redevelopment on brownfield sites when it is compatible with
Livable Oakville, Zoning By-laws, and the character of the neighbourhood. Indicating
concerns regarding the impact on stable neighbourhoods in terms of local
character and existing density, overdevelopment with multi-attached and
multi-storey structures on site to a low density residential area, and vague
information on the development that has been provided by the applicant; and
filed a submission.
- Gordon Jermane, President, Hopedale Residents Association, opposed
to the application and in agreement with the comments provided by the Coronation
Park Residents Association. Indicating concerns regarding the development is
not in keeping with the character of the Hopedale neighbourhood, height of the
proposed townhouses and retirement residence, complying with Livable Oakville
development criteria, density, loss of privacy in surrounding neighbourhood,
shadowing, increased traffic concerns for vehicles and pedestrians in an
already congested area; and filed submissions.
- Chris Kowalchuk, re: concerns regarding there being little seniors
housing anywhere, retirement living options are limited in the neighbourhood,
and affordability for seniors, indicating that there is an opportunity for this
development in Hopedale, and suggesting having a different take or look at the
proposal as density is a good thing and it brings vitality.
- Sid Jaishankar, opposed to the application, providing comments
regarding economic substance in terms of business and financial, indicating
concerns regarding the reports and planning justification; and filed a submission.
- Alan Harrison, opposed to the application, indicating concerns
regarding conformity of the development with the Official Plan, high density, increase
in the height and size of the retirement building, change in the number of
storeys from the public consultation meeting, design is out of character, setting
a precedent for the site or any other site, and in agreement with the comments
provided by the Coronation Park Residents Association; and filed a submission.
- Nolan Moss, Smart Centres Real Estate Investment Trust, on behalf of
the applicant, reviewed who they are, their partners on this project, proposed
redevelopment of the South Oakville Centre, and public consultation and what
they propose with respect to the neighbourhood character in terms of building
height, traffic and vehicular circulation, road types and alignment, housing
type, and status of the shopping centre; advising that the development is compatible
with the existing and future neighbourhood providing a mixture of
multi-generational housing to achieve a complete community; and filed a
- Julie Buelow, provided a definition of aging in place, advising that
the applicant has a different definition.
- Diane Green, opposed to the application, indicating concerns
regarding what is being used for the basis of the proposal, level of intensification,
high density for the retirement residence building, opening a precedent for
this area, describing the mall as a greyfield and the basis for intensification,
using the term mixed use, and asking what are the mixed uses and potential
implications over the entire block; and filed submissions.
- Sarah Stadnicki, re: concerns regarding traffic and not enough research
has been done regarding the traffic flow on Rebecca Street and Third Line, looking
at what the community needs for retirement living, prices and cost of
retirement, and the expectation that needs to be changed in terms of whole
community living.
- Samir Suri, re: concerns regarding keeping a quiet and calm neighbourhood, cost of retirement living,
infrastructure, number of storeys for the retirement residence, more information
is needed for the proposal, and the opening from Stanbury Road.
- Peter McMillan, re: concerns regarding the impact of development in the community beyond immediately
adjacent properties, concept plans which were presented at the public meeting, traffic
concerns, and access to the southwest entrance; and asking is the development
proposal tied to the Official Plan Amendment, and to look at both entrances off
of Rebecca Street for traffic impact.
The following
communication(s) were distributed at the meeting:
- (March 9, 2020) from Cindy Shank
- (March 9, 2020) from Buddy and Shirley Singh
- (March 9, 2020) from Siddharth Jaishankar
- (March 8, 2020) from Steven Fava, on behalf of the Fava Family
- (March 8, 2020) from Stephanie and Brian Bishop
- (March 8, 2020) from Nina Rupcic
- (March 8, 2020) from Laura and Adam Bomers
- (March 7, 2020) from Gordon Jermane, on behalf of Hopedale
Residents Association
- (March 7, 2020) from Diane Green (revised submission)
- (March 6, 2020) from the Fava Family
- (March 6, 2020) from Diane Green
- (March 6, 2020) from Alan Harrison
- (March 6, 2020) from Nina Rupcic
- (March 4, 2020) from Gordon Jermane, on behalf of Hopedale
Residents Association
- (March 3, 2020) from Andrea Mann
- (March 3, 2020) from Diane Green
- (January 30, 2020) from Roxanna and John Scarfo
Moved by Councillor Chisholm
That the public meeting report prepared
by the Planning Services Department dated February 26th, 2020, be received.
That comments from the public with
respect to the Official Plan Amendment by Calloway REIT (Hopedale) Inc.
(File No. OPA 1625.01), be received.
That analysis of the following matters
of interest to Council be included as part of the recommendation report:
a) A review
should be conducted on building heights and residential densities on
abutting lands comparing those to what is proposed.
b) Further
review and refinement to the Shadow Study to ensure a full range of
potential shadow impacts are understood.
c) Consider the
approval and impacts of an Official Plan Amendment applying to the entire
site in the absence of the details supplied with an associated rezoning,
site plan, and subdivision application.
d) Consideration
of whether it was appropriate to be using the terms like greyfield, mixed
use, and aging in place.
e) A full
review of the traffic study will be undertaken including impacts on
adjacent roadways, sustainable transportation opportunities, internal
circulation, connectivity, and the Third Line and Rebecca Street
intersection in terms of the added traffic flow.
The meeting recessed at 9:03 p.m. and reconvened at 9:12
For the purposes of Planning Act requirements,
the following person(s) made an oral submission:
- Michael
Smith, re: concerns regarding greenspace, garbage,
environmental sustainability and long term sustainability of Oakville, density,
parks planning, road going thru greenspace, truck traffic and pedestrian safety,
and ensuring that developers manage the property properly and care about the environment;
and filed a submission.
The following
communication(s) were distributed at the meeting:
- (February 25, 2020) from Michael Smith
Moved by Councillor Sandhu
That the public meeting report,
prepared by the Planning Services Department dated February 26, 2020, be
That comments from the public with
respect to the Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision by
Lower Fourth Development Ltd and Pendent Development Ltd, File No.:
Z.1317.05, 24T-19004/1317, be received.
That analysis of the following matters
of interest to Council be included as part of the recommendation report:
a) The road
pattern is inconsistent with the Master Plan resulting in crescents as
opposed to a grid pattern, and does this represent good planning resulting
in a lack of pedestrian facilities.
b) Consider
opportunities to open up more access roads than just the two major roads. Provide
information as to how and when the larger road pattern will be achieved in
terms of timing and phasing.
c) Is there
enough greenspace within this plan to support this development, and the
timelines of the parks?
d) Can we get a
walkability score on this?
e) What is the
net density of this application?
f) Take
some care to share the context of this proposal, specially parks, roads,
connections to pedestrian facilities, and how this fits in to the whole.
g) An
explanation of how the road patterning was created.
Moved by Councillor Knoll
That this meeting proceed
beyond the hour of 10:00 p.m., but no later than
10:30 p.m.
Moved by Councillor Adams
That Zoning By-law Amendment
application submitted by Mattamy (Joshua Creek) Limited (File No.
Z.1307.04), be approved on the basis that the application is consistent
with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms or does not conflict with
all applicable Provincial plans, conforms with the Region of Halton
Official Plan and North Oakville East Secondary Plan, has regard for
matters of Provincial interest, and represents good planning for the
reasons outlined in the report from the Planning Services department dated
February 26, 2020;
That By-law 2020-018 an amendment to
Zoning By-law 2009-189, be passed;
That notice of Council’s decision
reflect that Council has fully considered all the written and oral
submissions relating to this matter and that those comments have been
appropriately addressed; and
That, in accordance with Section 34(17)
of the Planning Act, no further notice is determined to be
Moved by Councillor Duddeck
That the report titled “Scenic
Corridors Study”, dated February 26, 2020, be received.
That the findings of the Scenic
Corridors Study be endorsed as a background study informing the preparation
of Official Plan policies and urban design direction documents and
informing future major town projects within the right of way of identified
Scenic Corridors, including the Lakeshore Road West Class Environmental
Moved by Councillor Duddeck
That the Town Solicitor be instructed
not to proceed with an appeal of the Superior Court of Justice decision
dated February 10, 2019
Moved by Councillor Lishchyna
That, the rules of procedure
established in Section 19(2) be waived to permit the meeting to proceed beyond
the hour of 10:30 p.m.
For the purposes of Planning Act requirements,
the following person(s) made an oral submission:
- Tom Baskerville, Rampen Holdings Inc., asking that they be
given a partial allocation of 70 single-detached equivalent units (SDEs) in order
to move forward with the other corporations that make up the Neighbourhood 6
development area east of Eighth Line, expressing concern
regarding waiting for future allocations, servicing and grading approvals, and
working through the planning process; and filed a submission.
- Gerry Tchisler, MHBC Planning, on behalf of 1005 Dundas
Street Inc. and T & M International Investment Inc., asking that the
allocation for the full 252 single-detached equivalent units (SDEs) be made as only
126 SDEs were approved for the subject lands representing half of what was
originally requested by the owners under the program; and
filed a submission.
The following
communication(s) were distributed at the meeting:
- (March 9, 2020) from Tom Baskerville, Rampen Holdings Inc.
- (March 9, 2020) from Gerry Tchisler, MHBC Planning
Moved by Councillor Elgar
That the report entitled Halton
Region 2020 Allocation Program, from the Planning Services and Finance
Departments, dated March 4, 2020, be referred back to staff to provide the
forecasted population to 2031 based on what the current population is
today, based on past planning estimates, plus the number of units already
approved and not yet included in the property count, and that staff provide
the allocation for mixed low rise for consideration of the allocation for
the Rampen Holdings Inc. property.
LOST on a
recorded vote,
Council voting as follows:
Recorded Vote
Yeas Nays
Councillor Duddeck Councillor
Councillor Haslett-Theall Councillor
Councillor Elgar Councillor
Councillor Adams Councillor
Councillor Parmar Mayor
Moved by Councillor Lishchyna
That the report entitled Halton
Region 2020 Allocation Program, from the Planning Services and Finance
Departments, dated March 4, 2020, be received;
That Halton Region be requested to
allocate servicing to lands in North Oakville, in accordance with this
That Halton Region be requested to
accelerate the servicing of lands north of Dundas Street between Tremaine
Road and Regional Road 25;
That the Director of Planning Services
be authorized to endorse any minor changes to the distribution of servicing
allocation which may arise as Halton Region advances the program, and the
subsequent transfer of allocation units between other Oakville properties;
That the Town Clerk provide a copy of
this report, and Council’s resolutions, to Halton Region, the City of
Burlington and the Towns of Milton and Halton Hills.
on a recorded vote,
voting as follows:
Recorded Vote
Yeas Nays
Councillor O'Meara Councillor
Councillor Robertson Councillor
Councillor Chisholm Councillor
Councillor Haslett-Theall Councillor
Councillor Longo
Mayor Burton
Councillor Knoll
Councillor Grant
Councillor Lishchyna
Councillor Sandhu
Moved by Councillor Duddeck
That this committee rise and
The Mayor arose and reported that the Committee of the
Whole has met and has made recommendations on Consent Items 1 and 2, Public
Hearing Items 3, 4, and 5, Discussion Items 6 and 7, and Confidential
Discussion Item C-1 as noted by the Clerk.
Moved by Councillor Lishchyna Seconded by Councillor Knoll
That the report and recommendations
of the Committee of the Whole be approved.
Moved by
Councillor Grant Seconded by Councillor
A by-law to declare that certain land is not subject to part lot
control (Blocks 263, 264, 265, 272, 273, 274, 280, 281, 282, 315, Plan
20M-1198 – Pendent Developments Limited and Lower Fourth Limited).
Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:49 p.m.