Meeting - Regular Session

TWENTY-THIRD Meeting - Regular Session


The Town of Oakville Council met in regular session to consider planning matters on this 1st day of November, 2016 in the Council Chamber of the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, commencing at 7:00 p.m.


Present:   Mayor                   -     Rob Burton


                  Councillors         -     Tom Adams

                                                -     Ray Chisholm

                                                -     Cathy Duddeck

                                                -     Allan Elgar

                                                -     Dave Gittings

                                                -     Marc Grant

                                                -     Nick Hutchins

                                                -     Natalia Lishchyna

                                                -     Sean O’Meara


Staff                                        -     R. Green, Chief Administrative Officer

                                                -     J. Clohecy, Commissioner of Community Development

                                          -     J. Courtemanche, Director of Strategy, Policy and Communications

                                          -     D. Brennan, Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor and Council

                                                -     M. Simeoni, Director of Planning Services

                                                -     D. Carr, Town Solicitor

                                                -     D. Lambert, Director of Development Engineering

                                                -     J. Huctwith, Assistant Town Solicitor

                                                -     D. Childs, Manager of Policy Planning

-     H. Hecht, Manager of Current Planning – East District

-     T. Collingwood, Senior Planner, Current Planning – East


-     L. Gill Woods, Senior Planner, Policy Planning and


-     S. Schappert, Heritage Planner

-     K. Patrick, Acting Town Clerk

-     L. Morgan, Council and Committee Coordinator


Regrets:   Councillors         -     Jeff Knoll

-       Roger Lapworth

-       Ralph Robinson



Declarations of Pecuniary Interest


No declarations of pecuniary interest were declared.


Committee of the Whole


Moved by Councillor O’Meara           Seconded by Councillor Gittings


That this meeting proceed into a Committee of the Whole session.








Assumption of Stormwater Management Pond within Subdivision Plan 20M-913 - Bronte Creek Community Limited - North of Upper Middle Road, West of Bronte Street



-           Report from Development Engineering Department, October 13, 2016



Moved by Councillor Elgar


1.     That the assumption of the stormwater management pond (Block 127) within Registered Plan 20M-913 be approved; and


2.      That By-law 2016-096, a by-law to assume the stormwater management pond within Plan 20M-913, be approved.






Public Meeting and Recommendation Report, North Oakville Zoning By-law Housekeeping Amendment - Accessory Buildings and Structures in All Zones and Public Park Uses Outside the Park Zone - By-law 2016-108 (File 42.03.89) - Lands north of Dundas Street and south of Highway 407



-           Report from Planning Services Department,

October 7, 2016



Moved by Councillor Hutchins



That By-law 2016-108, a by-law to amend the North Oakville Zoning By‑law 2009-189 to change the general regulations for accessory buildings and structures in all zones, and to specify the applicable regulations for public parks outside of the Park (P) zone, be passed; and




That notice of Council’s decision reflect that no comments were received from the public, or if comments are received, that they have been appropriately addressed.






Recommendation Report, Draft Plan of Condominium -

1319284 Ontario Inc. (Dunpar Homes)

2158, 2168, 2180 & 2192 Trafalgar Road

File No.: 24CDM-12005/1413




-           Report from Planning Services Department,

October 7, 2016



Moved by Councillor Grant



That the Director of Planning Services be authorized to grant draft plan approval to the Draft Plan of Condominium (24CDM-12005/1413) submitted by 1319284 Ontario Inc. (Dunpar Homes), prepared by Rady‑Pentek & Edward Surveying Ltd., dated December 3, 2015, subject to the conditions contained in Appendix ‘A’ of the Planning Services report dated October 7, 2016; and



That notice of Council’s decision reflect that the comments from the public have been appropriately addressed as described in staff report 16-591.






Downtown Cultural Hub Update



-           Report from Commissioner of Community Development, October 19, 2016

-           Report from Office of the Mayor, October 27, 2016 (Distributed at meeting.)



Moved by Councillor Adams


That the report regarding the Downtown Oakville Cultural Hub Update be deferred to the Planning and Development Council meeting of November 28, 2016.






By-law 2016-115 - Extension of Interim Control By-law 2016-024 (Glen Abbey Golf Course)



-           Report from Planning Services Department,

October 20, 2016



The following person(s) made an oral submission:

-     Joe Brant, expressing support for the extension of the interim control by-law and urging Council to pass the extension of the by-law.


The following communication was distributed at the meeting:

(November 1, 2016) Mark Flowers, Davies Howe Partners LLP.


Moved by Councillor Elgar



That Report PD-16-594 from the Planning Services department entitled By‑law 2016-115 - Extension of Interim Control By-law 2016-024 (Glen Abbey Golf Course), dated October 20, 2016, be received; and



That By-law 2016-115, a by-law to amend By-law 2016-024 (Glen Abbey Golf Course), be passed.


                                                                                       CARRIED on a recorded vote,

                                                                                       Council voting as follows:


Recorded Vote


Yeas                                     Nays

Councillor Lishchyna

Councillor Adams

Councillor Grant

Councillor Elgar

Mayor Burton

Councillor Hutchins

Councillor Gittings

Councillor Chisholm

Councillor Duddeck

Councillor O’Meara





Livable Oakville (Official Plan Review) Council Sub-committee (October 3, 2016)



Moved by Councillor Adams


That the minutes of the Livable Oakville (Official Plan Review) Council Sub‑committee meeting of October 3, 2016, be received.






Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee (October 25, 2016)



Moved by Councillor Duddeck


That the following recommendation pertaining to Item 6c of the Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee minutes from its meeting on October 25, 2016, be approved, and the remainder of the minutes be received subject to the separation of Item 6b:


6c. Heritage Permit Application HP047/16-42.20R - Rehabilitation of the Oakville Arena

-     Report from Planning Services Department, October 12, 2016


1.    That Heritage Permit Application HP047/16-42.20R for the rehabilitation of the Oakville Arena and the construction of new additions to the arena building, as attached in Appendix C and Appendix D to the report dated October 12, 2016, from Planning Services, be approved subject to final details on the new roofing materials, concrete and metal wall materials, windows and doors being submitted to Heritage Planning staff for final approval; and


2.    That this heritage permit expire three years from the date of final approval by Council.






6b.  Heritage Permit Application HP037/16-42.20B - 49 Bronte Road – New Patio, Bar and Awning/Pergola

-     Report from Planning Services Department, October 12, 2016


Moved Councillor Adams


That Heritage Permit Application HP037/16-42.20B for the construction of a new bar, patio and pergola with awning, as revised in the drawings stamped ‘Received October 24, 2016’, which were distributed at the Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee meeting of October 25, 2016, and as described in the report dated October 12, 2016, from Planning Services, be denied.





Moved Councillor O’Meara



That Heritage Permit Application HP037/16-42.20B for the construction of a new bar, patio and pergola with awning, as revised in the drawings stamped ‘Received October 24, 2016’, which were distributed at the Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee meeting of October 25, 2016, and as described in the report dated October 12, 2016, from Planning Services, be approved, subject to the following:

  1. That the Marine Drive elevation of the bar wall be clad in horizontal wood siding to match the addition on the historic building; and



That this heritage permit expire two years from the date of final approval by Council.







Moved by Councillor Elgar


That this Committee resolve into a closed meeting session for the purpose of dealing with a matter pertaining to litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board, and for receiving advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, with respect to Item C-1, OMB Hearings - 1300-1372 Bronte Road.




Committee resolved into closed session at 7:33 p.m.


Committee resolved back into open session at 9:04 p.m.




OMB Hearings - 1300-1372 Bronte Road



-           Confidential Report from Legal Department,

October 20, 2016



Direction was provided to staff and legal counsel in closed session.





Moved by Councillor Adams


That this committee rise and report.





The Mayor arose and reported that the Committee of the Whole has met and made recommendations on Consent Item 1, Public Hearing Item 2, Discussion Items 3, 4 and 5, Confidential Discussion Item C-1, and Advisory Committee Minutes Items 6 and 7, as noted by the Clerk.



Moved by Councillor O’Meara           Seconded by Councillor Lishchyna


That the report and recommendations of the Committee of the Whole be approved.







Moved by Councillor Hutchins          Seconded by Councillor Grant


That the following by-law(s) be passed:



A by-law to assume the Stormwater Management Pond in Registered Plan 20M-913.  (Re:  Item 1) 



A by-law to declare that certain land is not subject to part lot control (Blocks 99, 100, 101, and 109, Plan 20M-1173 - 404072 Ontario Ltd. (Mattamy East Preserve)).



A by-law to declare that certain land is not subject to part lot control (Block 466, Plan 20M-1160 - Pendent Developments Limited.)



A by-law to amend By-law 1984-130 regarding the designation of 1028 Lakeshore Road East as a property of historical, architectural and contextual significance.




A by-law to amend the North Oakville Zoning By-law 2009-189 to change the general regulations for accessory buildings and structures in all zones, and to specify the applicable regulations for public parks outside of the Park (P) zone. (Town of Oakville, File No.: 42.03.89)  (Re:  Item 2) 



A by-law to amend By-law 2016-024 (Glen Abbey Golf Course).  (Re:  Item 5)



A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council.








The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:06 p.m.








                                                                                                        Kathy patrick

                                                                                                   ACTING TOWN CLERK