Town of Oakville
Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chamber

Town Hall is open to the public and live streaming video is available on or at the town's YouTube channel at Information regarding written submissions and  requests to delegate can be found at

  • Recommendation:

    That the minutes of the Heritage Oakville Advisory Committee meeting of April 23, 2024 be approved.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the proposed demolition of the McCraney-Robertson House at 42 Lakeshore Road West be approved subject to the following:
      1. That the property owners work with Heritage Planning staff to design a commemorative strategy and structure to be rebuilt on the property that more adequately reflects the statement of cultural heritage value and interest and the heritage attributes as set out in By-law 2009-074, as well as using any salvaged material from the McCraney-Robertson House;
      2. That a Heritage Easement Agreement for the commemoration of the McCraney-Robertson House at 42 Lakeshore Road West, be entered into between the town and the owner in keeping with the content of this report, with the Agreement to be in form and content satisfactory to the Town Solicitor and the Director of Planning Services or their designates;
      3. That the Heritage Easement Agreement be executed in accordance with Executions By-law 2013-057 and be registered on title to the lands on which the McCraney-Robertson House is located;
      4. That the Town Solicitor be authorized to discharge the Heritage Easement Agreement from title to the lands on which it is registered, at the expense of the owner, once the requirements in the Heritage Easement Agreement have been fully satisfied to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services or their designate, and
      5. That By-law 2009-074 be amended to include the commemorative structure/elements at 42 Lakeshore Road West when the work is completed.
  • Recommendation:

    That the information item(s) be received. 

Tuesday June 25, 2024
Oakville Municipal Building
Council Chamber - 9:30 a.m.