Town of Oakville


Meeting #:
Council Chamber

Town Hall is open to the public and live streaming video is available on or at the town's YouTube channel at Information regarding written submissions and requests to delegate can be found at

Discussion Item(s)

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the report Design of Westminster Drive and Woodhaven Park Drive Improvements, from the Transportation and Engineering Department, dated November 14, 2023, be received.

    2. That the implementation of a sidewalk on Westminster Drive and Woodhaven Park Drive be deferred to the Transportation Master Plan for further review.

    3. That staff be directed to proceed with the implementation of the storm sewer and drainage works for Westminster Drive (Option 2) as outlined in this report.

    4. That staff be directed to proceed with the implementation of the storm sewer and drainage works for Woodhaven Park Drive/Hixon Street/Willowdown Road (Option 2) as outlined in this report.

    5. That the Director, Transportation and Engineering be authorized to make adjustments to the designs as they progress that are in general agreement with Council direction.

  • Recommendation:

    That the report entitled “Governance Review Update”, dated November 14, 2023 from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.