Town of Oakville
2024 Budget Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chamber

Town Hall is open to the public and live streaming video is available on or at the town's YouTube channel at Information regarding written submissions and requests to delegate can be found at

There are no Consent Items listed for this agenda.

There are no Confidential Consent Items listed for this agenda.

  • Recommendation:
    1. That the capital funding of $6,000,000 for the Downtown Cultural Hub be considered during the 2024 budget process including the following elements:
      1. Programming and detailed design for the replacement of the Central Library on the former Post Office site.
      2. Refreshing the existing feasibility study for a new performing arts centre and new feasibility studies for a waterfront park and parking opportunities on Centennial Square.
      3. Evaluation of the potential for a boutique hotel and additional residential development on the Centennial Square site.
      4. Opportunities to accommodate Oakville Galleries with the Downtown Cultural Hub.
      5. Analysis of the downtown parking lots and fire hall site to achieve both additional housing and improved parking opportunities.
    2. That the location of the new Central Library on the former Post Office site be confirmed.


  • Recommendation:

    That staff incorporate the funding request for additional resources in this report into the budget process and prioritize along with other known budget pressures.

  • Recommendation:

    That staff incorporate the funding request in this report into the budget process and prioritize along with other known budget pressures.