Town of OakvilleSpecial Council MeetingAGENDAMeeting #:Date:Monday, May 31, 2021Time: 6:30 P.m. - 10:00 P.m.Location:Virtual MeetingDUE TO THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY attendance at Town Hall is restricted and public meetings are being held by videoconference only. Live streaming video is available on or at the town's YouTube channel at Information regarding written submissions and requests to delegate can be found at 1.Regrets 2.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest 3.Discussion Item(s) 3.1Midtown Oakville Urban Growth Area Review – Transportation Workshop 1.Discussion Report - Midtown Oakville Urban Growth Area Review - Transportation Workshop .pdfRecommendation: That the staff report titled “Midtown Oakville Urban Growth Area Review – Transportation Workshop” dated May 18, 2021, be received. That the presentation to Council, as modified through the workshop, be received. 4.Consideration and Reading of By-Laws That the following by-law(s) be passed:4.1By-law 2021-095 1.Confirming By-law 2021-095.pdfA by-law to confirm the proceedings of a special meeting of Council.5.Adjournment No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Confirming By-law 2021-095.pdf1.Discussion Report - Midtown Oakville Urban Growth Area Review - Transportation Workshop .pdf