Town of Oakville

Planning and Development Council


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
Mayor and Council:
  • Mayor Burton
  • Councillor Adams
  • Councillor Chisholm
  • Councillor Duddeck
  • Councillor Elgar
  • Councillor Gittings
  • Councillor Grant
  • Councillor Haslett-Theall
  • Councillor Knoll
  • Councillor Lishchyna
  • Councillor Longo
  • Councillor McNeice
  • Councillor Nanda
  • Councillor O'Meara
  • Councillor Xie
  • J. Clohecy, Chief Administrative Officer
  • P. Fu, Commissioner of Community Infrastructure
  • P. Damaso, Commissioner of Community Services
  • M. Mizzi, Commissioner of Community Development
  • D. Carr, Town Solicitor
  • G. Charles, Director of Planning Services
  • J. Stephen, Director of Transportation and Engineering
  • N. Chandra, Assistant Town Solicitor
  • J. Huctwith, Assistant Town Solicitor
  • R. Diec Stormes, Director Economic Development
  • C. Mark, Director Parks and Open Space
  • K. Biggar, Manager of Policy Planning and Heritage
  • L. Musson, Manager of Planning Services, East District
  • K. Parker, Manager of Development Services
  • S. von Kursell, Manager of Midtown Oakville Program
  • G. Abma, Senior Planner
  • A. Holland, Acting Town Clerk
  • J. Radomirovic, Council and Committee Coordinator

The Town of Oakville Council met in regular session to consider planning matters on this 18 day of February, 2025 in the Council Chamber of the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, commencing at 6:30 p.m.

There were no regrets for this meeting.

No declarations of pecuniary interest were declared.

  • Moved byCouncillor McNeice
    Seconded byCouncillor Haslett-Theall

    That this meeting proceed into a Committee of the Whole session.


There were no Consent Items.

There were no Confidential Consent Items.

There were no Public Hearing Items.

The following delegates spoke :

Jonathan Sprawson congratulated Mayor, Councillors and the Town staff for their amazing work, concerned regarding deleting the development charges, would like to see the neighborhood that has the right number of people and cars, suggested to have 5 storey buildings instead of high rise.

Aidan Tracey, speaking on behalf of growing number of local residents, excited to see the approval of the OPA,  asked Councillors  to make sure that the community will be protected, what is immediate step after the approval of the OPA, how they plan to intervene and review the facts that have been presented, does the Town have a protective plan that starts tomorrow and are they mobilizing resources.

Douglas McKirgan, TRCA, supports the OPA, thanked to Town Staff on their professionalism and hard work, to Mayor and Councillors on their endurance and patience and to residents for their engagement, suggested to count on residents help in the future.

Jim Goodfellow, congratulated Mayor, Councillors and the Town Staff on a good work, delighted with the staff recommended statement for the density above the threshold, suggested to take an immediate first step to ensure the alignment between OPA and TOC, 

Anya Dunning, We love Oakville, congratulated Mayor, Councillors, Staff for hard work in developing this OPA, hoped that OPA will be approved, suggested an immediate contact with Ministry of Municipal Affairs to prioritize the final review of the OPA. 

Elizabeth Chalmers, JCRA, supported the proposed OPA and asked Councillors to approve it, appreciated the extensive public engagement that has taken place over a number of years, thanked the Planning Staff for their considerable and comprehensive work on OPA that will develop Midtown as a livable and complete community, asked the Mayor and Councillors to actively advocate for the Province's Ministry of Municipal Affairs to approve OPA.

Derek Zapp, president of CRA, supported the approval of OPA, thanked the Councillors, asked if there is anything that they can do to support as a Resident Association.

  • Moved byCouncillor Haslett-Theall
    1. That Council adopt the recommended town-initiated Official Plan Amendment (OPA 70) for Midtown Oakville which provides area-specific and town-wide policies regarding related matters including the use of a Community Planning Permit System.
    2. That By-law 2025-37, a by-law to adopt OPA 70 to the Livable Oakville Plan, be passed.
    3. That notice of Council’s decision to adopt OPA 70 reflect that Council has fully considered all written and oral submissions relating to this matter and that those comments have been appropriately addressed.
    4. That staff prepare the prescribed record and submit OPA 70 to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval.
    For (15)Councillor Adams, Mayor Burton, Councillor Chisholm, Councillor Duddeck, Councillor Elgar, Councillor Gittings, Councillor Grant, Councillor Haslett-Theall, Councillor Knoll, Councillor Lishchyna, Councillor Longo, Councillor O'Meara, Councillor McNeice, Councillor Nanda, and Councillor Xie
    CARRIED (15 to 0)

There were no Confidential Discussion Items.

There were no Advisory Committee Minutes.

  • Moved byCouncillor O'Meara

    That this committee rise and report.

  • The Mayor arose and reported that the Committee of the Whole has met and has made recommendations on Discussion Item 7.1.

  • Moved byCouncillor Grant
    Seconded byCouncillor Elgar

    That the report and recommendations of the Committee of the Whole be approved.


(Emergency, Congratulatory or Condolence)

A by-law to declare that certain land is not subject to part lot control (Blocks 10, 22, 26 and 37, Plan 20M-1275 – GG Redoak Inc.)

A by-law to amend the Livable Oakville Official Plan to incorporate new policies for the Midtown Oakville Protected Major Transit Station Area and Community Planning Permit System. (Re: Item 7.1)

A by-law to declare that certain land is not subject to part lot control (Blocks 277 and 278, Plan 20M-1288 – Mattamy (Joshua Creek) Limited)

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council.

  • Moved byCouncillor Knoll
    Seconded byCouncillor Xie

    That the by-laws noted above, be passed.

  • The Mayor gave written approval of the by-law(s) noted above that were passed during the meeting.

The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:13 p.m.