Town of Oakville

Council Minutes

Meeting #:
Council Chamber
Mayor and Council:
  • Mayor Burton
  • Councillor Adams
  • Councillor Chisholm
  • Councillor Duddeck (Arrived at 6:55 p.m.)
  • Councillor Elgar
  • Councillor Gittings
  • Councillor Grant
  • Councillor Haslett-Theall
  • Councillor Knoll
  • Councillor Lishchyna
  • Councillor McNeice
  • Councillor Nanda
  • Councillor O'Meara
  • Councillor Xie
  • Councillor Longo
  • J. Clohecy, Chief Administrative Officer
  • N. Sully, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Treasurer
  • C. Bell, Commissioner of Community Services
  • P. Fu, Commissioner of Community Infrastructure
  • D. Carr, Town Solicitor
  • J. Clarke, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Communications
  • V. Tytaneck, Town Clerk
  • J. Warren, Council and Committee Coordinator

The Town of Oakville Council met in regular session this 23rd day of October, 2023 in the Council Chamber of the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville commencing at 6:30 p.m.

As noted above.

Councillor Knoll declared a pecuniary interest with respect to item 10.3 - Film Pilot: Reduced Period of Noise Exemption, as he owns a local business that could stand to benefit from more films being filmed locally.

  • Moved byCouncillor Xie
    Seconded byCouncillor Gittings
    1. That the minutes of the Regular session of Planning and Development Council dated September 11, 2023, be approved.
    2. That the minutes of the Regular session of Council dated September 18, 2023, be approved.
    3. That the minutes of the Special session of Council dated September 25, 2023, be approved.

There were no public presentations.

  • Moved byCouncillor Grant
    Seconded byCouncillor O'Meara

    That the minutes of the Budget Committee meeting of September 19, 2023, be approved.

  • Moved byCouncillor McNeice
    Seconded byCouncillor Nanda

    That this meeting proceed into a Committee of the Whole session.

  • Moved byCouncillor O'Meara

    That the report entitled “Enterprise Data Management Implementation Project Update”, dated October 10, 2023 from the Strategy, Policy and Communications department be received.

  • Moved byCouncillor O'Meara

    That the request from Masterworks of Oakville Chorus and Orchestra to conduct charitable lottery events in the Town of Oakville be approved.

  • Moved byCouncillor O'Meara

    That the Town Solicitor be authorized to transfer a utility easement to Enbridge Gas, and any other utility company that requires it, across the Town’s NHS block at Trafalgar Road and Wheatboom Drive in the approximate area shown on Appendix “A” attached to this report.


There were no Confidential Consent Items.

  • Moved byCouncillor Lishchyna

    That the presentation from Rob Lister, President and CEO of Oakville Enterprises Corporation (OEC) regarding the quarterly update be received.

  • Moved byCouncillor Grant

    That the report titled Urban Mobility and Transportation Study and Transportation Master Plan dated October 10, 2023, be received for information.

  • Moved byCouncillor Haslett-Theall
    1. That the 30-day application submission requirement for a noise exemption permit contained in Noise By-law 2008-098, be reduced to 10-days from submission of a complete application prior to the film project for the duration of the Film Pilot Program.
    2. That the 14-day notice required by the Town’s Public Notice and Engagement Policy/Procedure be reduced to 7-days for notice to residents of a noise exemption being sought for the duration of the Film Pilot Program; and
    3. That resident comments submitted as a result of residential circulation be submitted through Service Oakville to the Film Liaison to consider in determining issuance of a noise exemption permit.

  • (Councillor Knoll having declared a pecuniary interest did not vote.)

  • Moved byCouncillor Knoll

    That the report from the Finance Department entitled Council Community Outreach and Professional Development Allocation Rollover Options be received.


There were no Confidential Discussion Items.

There were no Advisory Committee Minutes.

  • Moved byCouncillor Adams

    That this committee rise and report.

  • The Mayor arose and reported that the Committee of the Whole has met and made recommendations on Consent Items 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 Discussion Items 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 and as noted by the Clerk.

  • Moved byCouncillor Grant
    Seconded byCouncillor Xie

    That the report and recommendations of the Committee of the Whole be approved.


Councillor Knoll congratulated the Oakville Optimist Club on 75 years of service.


  • Moved byCouncillor Elgar
    Seconded byCouncillor Knoll
    That in accordance with Section 2(2) of the Procedure By-law, Section 14.1(2) of the Procedure By-law be waived to permit consideration of three Notices of Motion regarding Item 16.1 - Strengthening the Principle of Growth Pays for Growth, Item 16.2 - Anti Auto Theft Program and Item 16.3 - Consideration for Building Faster Fund Eligibility Requirements, upon their introduction this evening.
  • Moved byMayor Burton
    Seconded byCouncillor Adams

    WHEREAS, Ontario's measures to reduce housing prices by reducing municipal infrastructure cost recoveries have proven to be expensive, ineffective and inefficient.


    THAT, the Council of the Town of Oakville calls on Ontario to replace all of Ontario’s measures that reduce municipal infrastructure cost recoveries with measures to be created in consultation with growth municipalities to more efficiently and effectively stimulate production of affordable housing while restoring and strengthening the principle of growth pays for growth;

    THAT the Clerk to forward a copy of this resolution to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Ontario Big City Mayors Caucus, and the councils of Halton, Burlington, Halton Hills, and Milton for their consideration; and further

    THAT the Mayor write to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Premier to convey this resolution of Council. 

    For (14)Councillor Adams, Mayor Burton, Councillor Chisholm, Councillor Duddeck, Councillor Elgar, Councillor Gittings, Councillor Grant, Councillor Haslett-Theall, Councillor Knoll, Councillor Lishchyna, Councillor O'Meara, Councillor McNeice, Councillor Nanda, and Councillor Xie
    Absent (1)Councillor Longo
    CARRIED unanimously on a recorded vote (14 to 0)
  • Moved byMayor Burton
    Seconded byCouncillor Duddeck

    THAT the following motion passed at the October 20, 2023 meeting of OBCM be endorsed:

    WHEREAS the Building Faster Fund (BFF) was announced on August 21, 2023, to commit $1.2 billion over three years to support housing-enabling infrastructure and other related costs that support community growth to municipalities that reach at least 80 per cent of their annual housing targets;

    AND WHEREAS OBCM sees the Building Faster Fund as a housing accelerator incentive program and not a resolution to the discussion of being made whole for any municipal costs or shortfalls associated with other provincial government legislation/regulations;

    AND WHEREAS the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) has indicated that they will not count a housing start toward the target until a developer pulls the permit;

    AND WHEREAS municipalities can fast track approvals, but do not build homes;

    AND WHEREAS due to issues beyond the control of municipalities (high interest rates, mounting material costs, labour shortages, utilities etc.), the pulling of permits by developers may be stalled;

    AND WHEREAS the ministry’s method of counting housing starts will directly impact municipalities’ ability to reach the housing targets required to access much needed funding; 

    AND WHEREAS Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM) have advocated for a collaborative approach to building homes;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT OBCM send a letter to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Paul Calandra, outlining concerns about the BFF eligibility criteria and requests municipal participation in the creation of new the eligibility criteria; and that a copy of this motion be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and all OBCM members.

    For (14)Councillor Adams, Mayor Burton, Councillor Chisholm, Councillor Duddeck, Councillor Elgar, Councillor Gittings, Councillor Grant, Councillor Haslett-Theall, Councillor Knoll, Councillor Lishchyna, Councillor O'Meara, Councillor McNeice, Councillor Nanda, and Councillor Xie
    Absent (1)Councillor Longo
    CARRIED unanimously on a recorded vote (14 to 0)
  • Moved byMayor Burton
    Seconded byCouncillor Knoll

    THAT the following motion passed at the October 20, 2023 meeting of OBCM be endorsed:

    Whereas in Ontario, there has been a 112% increase in auto thefts over the past five years with thefts rising 49% in 2022 alone according to the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC); 

    Whereas thieves and criminal networks have specifically targeted Ontario’s biggest cities. In a 5 year span from 2014 - 2021 auto theft increased in Toronto 171%, Ottawa 208%, Vaughan 274%, Peel Region 159% and Halton Region 200%*; 

    Whereas several Ontario municipalities have addressed this issue with programs to assist their residents including the City of Brampton and the City of Vaughan who have implemented Faraday bags/pouches pilot programs to their hardest hit neighbourhoods to deter “relay attacks” using vulnerabilities in keyless FOBs to steal vehicles swiftly; 

    Whereas the provincial government has committed $51 million to fighting auto theft in May 2023 which includes the creation of an Organized Crime Towing and Auto Theft Team led by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), a new community safety grant that targets auto theft and the creation of a new Major Auto Theft Prosecution Response Team; 

    Whereas all levels of government as well as police departments, community safety groups and auto manufacturers need to work together to tackle this auto theft crisis in Ontario and across Canada.

    Therefore, be it resolved,

    THAT Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM) call on the federal government to provide a more robust anti auto theft program that supports law enforcement agencies and municipalities in the form of funding, resources, and legislation to combat auto theft; 

    That this program include more funding to the Canadian Border Service Agency to increase inspections of shipping containers at all major Canadian ports; 

    That the federal government enact legislation requiring the inclusion of theft-deterrent technologies for all car manufacturers in new vehicle models in Canada; and

    Be it further resolved that Ontario Big City Mayors (OBCM) call on the Ontario government to make changes to the vehicle transfer process, as recommended by the Insurance Bureau of Canada in order to take steps to minimize improper transfer of vehicles; and

    THAT these provincial changes should introduce a physical public VIN inspection conducted by a certified mechanic as part of the safety inspection that precedes every vehicle transfer, ensuring that info/images are captured and transmitted digitally through an update to the DriveON program to prevent the falsification of paper-based documents.

    For (14)Councillor Adams, Mayor Burton, Councillor Chisholm, Councillor Duddeck, Councillor Elgar, Councillor Gittings, Councillor Grant, Councillor Haslett-Theall, Councillor Knoll, Councillor Lishchyna, Councillor O'Meara, Councillor McNeice, Councillor Nanda, and Councillor Xie
    Absent (1)Councillor Longo
    CARRIED unanimously on a recorded vote (14 to 0)
  • Moved byCouncillor Haslett-Theall
    Seconded byCouncillor Elgar

    WHEREAS Regional Governance review by the Province has begun and is moving quickly; and

    WHEREAS the Public and Council require fulsome fact-based information on the potential impact a change in our governance model may have on our finances, services, current priorities and future.

    THEREFORE staff be directed to prepare a report forthwith on best practices in municipal governance including finances and debt level, potential service changes and service level changes and possible risks in consultation with our Regional Government, and provide it to Council at the next Council meeting.


A by-law to amend By-law 1984-001 (The Traffic By-law)

A by-law to confirm the proceedings of a meeting of Council.

  • Moved byCouncillor Elgar
    Seconded byCouncillor Knoll

    That the by-laws noted above be passed.

  • The Mayor gave written approval of the by-law(s) noted above that were passed during the meeting.

The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:24 p.m.