Oakville Public Library Board


Meeting #:
Council Chamber
Board Members Present:
  • Councillor Knoll, Chair
  • Andrew Cashman, Vice-Chair (As of 8:00 p.m.)
  • Councillor Chisholm
  • Meredith Burke
  • Avis Maher
  • Rebecca Mayville
  • Celso Mello
  • Roderick Sawyer
  • Bill Smith
Staff Present:
  • Colleen Bell, Commissioner of Community Services
  • Tara Wong, CEO of Oakville Public Library
  • Caitlyn Hicks, Director of Customer Experience
  • Joseph Moncada, Director of Innovation and Integration
  • Jill Marcovecchio, Council and Committee Coordinator

A meeting of the Oakville Public Library Board was held on February 15, 2024, in the Council Chamber of the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, commencing at 7:00 p.m.

There were no regrets.

No declarations of pecuniary interest were declared.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chisholm
    Seconded byRoderick Sawyer

    That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Oakville Public Library Board dated January 18, 2024, be approved.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chisholm
    Seconded byRoderick Sawyer

    That the minutes of the closed session meeting of the Oakville Public Library Board dated January 18, 2024, be approved.

  • Moved byMeredith Burke
    Seconded byBill Smith

    That the 2024 OPL Board Key Agenda Items report be received for information.


Responding to a question from the Board, the CEO advised that site inspections are completed for all library branches monthly, and that staff will clarify the wording on inspections in the Joint Health & Safety Committee section of the report.

  • Moved byMeredith Burke
    Seconded byBill Smith

    That the Health and Safety report be received for information.


There were no confidential consent items.

Tara Wong, CEO OPL, presented the 2023 Comprehensive Financial Report.  The CEO advised that the financial results are unaudited and staff from the Finance Department will report back at the May 16, 2024 Board meeting with a representative from Oakville Community Foundation (OCF), to provide the Board with the requested information in advance of the library audit.

The CEO responded to questions from the Board regarding revenues, expenditures, and endowment and trust funds. The Board discussed the following:

  • check to see if there is an industry benchmark and what is the standard for other libraries for Personnel Services & Benefits, as there are more self-serve options for employees;
  • provide a breakdown of revenues similar to that of expenses to have the full picture;
  • development spending; and
  • review development funds for newspaper digitization scanning of newspapers and pull that out of OCF endowment, and track this.
  • Moved byBill Smith
    Seconded byAvis Maher

    That the Comprehensive Financial Report at December 31, 2023 be received for information.


Tara Wong, CEO OPL, reported on Human Resources Policies, advising that the Police Record Checks Procedure under the Recruitment Policy has been updated to require that staff submit police records checks every three years.

The CEO responded to questions from the Board on the Police Record Checks Procedure.  The Board made the following requests:

  • what are other libraries and organizations in the municipal sector doing for police record checks?
  • clarify the wording in the procedure regarding "employees" and "designated positions" are required to submit an updated police record check every three years;
  • review language in the procedure and identify which positions require a vulnerable sector check that aren't necessarily in direct contact with those who are considered vulnerable;
  • consider third party sector checks, which may cost less; and
  • modify the wording in the procedure to designate type of check.

The Board requested the following on the Recruitment Policy:

  • include language around some of the actions that are being taken for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and strategic Framework, such as advertising and ensuring a diverse range of candidates.
  • Moved byCouncillor Chisholm
    Seconded byCelso Mello

    That the following Human Resources policies be received for feedback.


Tara Wong, CEO OPL, presented the Q4 2023 Performance and Measures Report.  The CEO asked that the Board advise her of any metrics.

The CEO responded to questions from the Board on Q4 2023 Performance and Measures Report.  The Board made the following requests:

  • look at the numbers for digital circulation, which are the same and then increase and why bump up  (introducing digital products)?
  • look at metrics for active cardholders for a measure on how many items are taken out in a year, maybe five items a month average?
  • examine the drop for Clearview branch, did something significant happen and was there a material change for the continued decrease?
  • Glen Abbey branch continues to be doing really well, what are they doing?
  • Moved byMeredith Burke
    Seconded byCelso Mello
    1. That that Performance and Measures Report Q4 2023 be received for information.
    2. That staff include branch details on foot traffic, in the next Performance and Measures report, and investigate the comments as requested by the Board and respond via a memo the Board.

Tara Wong, CEO OPL, presented the 2023 CEO Goals Q4 Update.

The CEO responded to a question from the Board, advising that she would report back on staff goals related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and the success rates as 2023 performance reviews are being completed.

  • Moved byBill Smith
    Seconded byRoderick Sawyer

    That the 2023 CEO Goals Q4 Update report be received for information.


Tara Wong, CEO OPL, presented the CEO Update as provided in the PowerPoint presentation.

Avis Maher reported on takeaways for the Ontario Library Association (OLA) Super Conference that she attended.  She gave kudos to the CEO on the challenges of Health and Safety issues related to libraries.

Councillor Knoll, Board Chair, thanked Avis Maher for providing feedback on the conference.  The Board Chair invited the members to attend OLA conferences in the future and thanked the members for their passion and time in serving on the Board.

Staff responded to a question from the Board regarding Family Day activities. The CEO advised of programming, looking at swim and story partner programs with Recreation, coordination meetings between library and town in regards to having library staff sit on the town seniors group.

Colleen Bell, Commissioner of Community Services, advised of collaboration with Recreation & Culture, and Fire Department on coordinated actives, such as Fire Week Kickoff, and staff are looking at synergies and how to increase activities for areas in town.

  • Moved byCouncillor Chisholm
    Seconded byMeredith Burke

    That CEO Update report be received for information.


  • Moved byRoderick Sawyer
    Seconded byMeredith Burke

    That the Oakville Public Library Board resolve into a closed meeting session for the purpose of personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, with respect to Item 8.1 - CEO Evaluation - February 15, 2024.

  • The Board resolved into closed session at 8:13 p.m.
    The Board resolved back into open session at 8:27 p.m.


  • Moved byAndrew Cashman
    Seconded byBill Smith

    That the CEO Evaluation confidential verbal report from the Commissioner of Community Services, be received.


There was no new business.

Thursday, March 21, 2024
Oakville Municipal Building
Virtual Meeting - 7:00 p.m.

  • Moved byCelso Mello
    Seconded byMeredith Burke

    That this meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

No Item Selected