Town of Oakville

Council Minutes

Meeting #:
Virtual Meeting
Mayor and Council:
  • Mayor Burton (In person)
  • Councillor Adams
  • Councillor Chisholm
  • Councillor Duddeck
  • Councillor Gittings
  • Councillor Grant
  • Councillor Haslett-Theall
  • Councillor Knoll
  • Councillor Lishchyna
  • Councillor Longo (Left at 3:05 p.m.)
  • Councillor Parmar
  • Councillor Robertson
  • Councillor Elgar
  • Councillor O'Meara
  • Councillor Sandhu
  • J. Clohecy, Chief Administrative Officer
  • N. Sully, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Treasurer (In person)
  • C. Bell, Commissioner of Community Services
  • P. Fu, Commissioner of Community Infrastructure
  • N. Garbe, Commissioner of Community Planning (In person)
  • D. Carr, Town Solicitor
  • G. Charles, Director of Planning Services (In person)
  • D. St. George, Director of Economic Development and Corporate Strategy
  • J. Stephen, Director of Engineering and Construction
  • J. Huctwith, Assistant Town Solicitor
  • M. Maguire, Manager of Transportation Strategy
  • C. Tizzard, Manager of Urban Design (In person)
  • K. Patrick, Acting Town Clerk (In person)
  • J. Marcovecchio, Council and Committee Coordinator (In person)

The Town of Oakville Council met in special session, via videoconference, this 22nd day of June, 2021 in the Council Chamber of the Oakville Municipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville commencing at 2:02 p.m.

As noted above.

No declarations of pecuniary interest were declared.

  • Moved byCouncillor Gittings
    Seconded byCouncillor Chisholm
    1. That the staff report titled “Discussion Report – Midtown Oakville Urban Growth Area Review – Urban Design Workshop” dated June 8, 2021, be received.

    2. That the presentation to Council, as modified through the workshop, be received.

  • Moved byCouncillor Knoll
    Seconded byCouncillor Adams

    That the by-law noted above be passed.


The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.