To: Livable Oakville (Official Plan Review) Council Sub-committee Minutes Monday, May 16, 2016 Bronte and Palermo Rooms Oakville Municipal Building 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Present: Mayor Rob Burton, Chair Councillor Tom Adams Councillor Cathy Duddeck Councillor Allan Elgar Councillor Dave Gittings Councillor Jeff Knoll (Arrived 1:10 p.m.) Councillor Sean O’Meara Staff: R. Green, Chief Administrative Officer J. Clohecy, Commission of Community Development D. Carr, Town Solicitor M. Simeoni, Director of Planning Services D. Childs, Manager of Policy Planning G. Shaw, Manager of Strategy, Policy and Communications K. Biggar, Senior Planner L. Gill Woods, Acting Senior Planner C. Dodds, Planner B. Sunderland, Planner D. Wedderburn, Planner J. Warren, Council and Committee Coordinator The items in these minutes are not necessarily in the order discussed. 1. Call to Order Mayor Burton called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. 2. Regrets There were no regrets. 3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) Moved by Councillor Duddeck That the minutes of the Livable Oakville (Official Plan Review) Council Sub-committee meeting of April 18, 2016, be approved. CARRIED 4. Business Arising from the Minutes There was no business arising from the minutes. 5. Discussion Item(s) a. Urban Structure Review – Work Program Kirk Biggar, Senior Planner, Planning Services, provided an overview of the Urban Structure Review Work Program. The presentation included the following information: - Background to the study and Council direction The consultant team consists of four firms with Macaulay Shiomi Howson as the study lead, Watson and Associates for population and employment forecasting, Brook McIlroy Inc for urban design and community engagement and Tate Economic research for economic forecasting. - An overview of the town’s existing urban structure including major growth areas such as the main streets of Downtown Oakville, Kerr Village, Bronte Village and Midtown Oakville at the Oakville Go Station; - The urban structure also includes employment lands concentrated along the QEW corridor and stable residential areas; - Key considerations of the Urban Structure Review include a confirmation of the existing urban structure and the ability to accommodate future growth and development sustainably, as well as the role of existing and emerging areas such as the Bronte GO Station and the new Oakville hospital and surrounding lands; - Other considerations are the desired land use pattern and the preservation of stable residential areas, as well as accommodating growth to 2041 and conformity with Provincial/Regional plans; - The study will be guided by a staff steering committee, and the Consultant team will report to them; - A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) formed of staff from the following departments will work in consultation with the staff steering committee: Finance, Oakville Transit, Parks and Open Space, Recreation and Culture, Engineering and Construction and Development Engineering; - Staff from the region and province will also be included in the TAC; - The staff steering committee will report to the Livable Oakville Sub-committee regarding reports and findings from the consultants and TAC; - The study work program has four phases: Phase 1 - study initiation, Phase 2 - background review, Phase 3 - option development and review and Phase 4 - urban structure framework and directions; - The anticipated completion date for the study is February 2017; - Public engagement tools may include public sessions, workshops, open houses and online surveys, all dependent on the level of public interest; - Initial public communication will be focused on town webpages; and - Broader public engagement will take place in Fall 2016. There was an inquiry as to whether some environmental language was missing from Section 2.1’ Study Goal’ of the study work program. It was expressed that the study goal should also have a heavy emphasis on environmental sustainability. Staff informed the committee that the environment is prominent and is recognized first and foremost in the Livable Oakville Official Plan. The Official Plan is focused around the environment and the Urban Structure Review is a subordinate study to that. The member mentioned that the provincial plan always focuses on the environment in the opening of their reports and the town should be following that example and make it a prominent theme in the study goal of the Urban Structure Review. It was recommended that when the committee reports to Council they suggest that Council be asked to request staff to add the words “environmentally sustainable” to the study goal. Jane Clohecy, Commissioner, Community Development will work with the member to develop re-wording of the study goal to incorporate this addition. Ms. Clohecy informed the committee that all the smaller studies under the branch of the Official Plan should mention the overall goals of the Official Plan before branching off into the sub-study goals and objectives so that everyone is aware that the studies fall into a higher overall goal. The Committee would like staff to adjust the wording in the study goals and objectives further aligned with the provincial plans and suggest that this is done by bringing the report to Council where an amendment can be made. It was requested that staff define the concept of Urban Structure in Oakville. Mr. Biggar responded that Oakville was separated into two official plan areas – the North Oakville Secondary Plans, which includes the Trafalgar Urban Core and the Dundas Urban Core. These are higher density mixed use areas with ample transit support. Neighbourhoods are built out around these core areas. The Livable Oakville Official Plan focuses less on corridors and more on growth areas including the Midtown Oakville urban growth centre as well as intensification of five other growth areas, Uptown Core, Palermo Village, Bronte Village, Kerr Village and Downtown Oakville. The plan targets these areas for higher density and mixed use growth. Mr. Biggar also advised that urban growth takes into consideration natural heritage and open space. Employment and commercial areas are also factored in, which in Oakville are primarily located by the Q.E.W. and 407 highways. The committee expressed that Council is the land use planning authority in Oakville and asked when they would receive a direction report with creative and viable choices regarding this study. Ms. Clohecy responded that in Phase 3 options are developed and given to Council with extensive research and supporting information. It was expressed that Council and the community is at its strongest when there is iterative consultation. Following some discussion, it was decided that the committee would like to see options and choices brought forward for consideration. Moved by Councillor O’Meara That the Urban Structure Review – Work Program presentation be received. CARRIED b. Provincial Plan Review Diane Childs, Manager, Policy Planning informed the committee that public open houses regarding the Provincial Plans are starting May 31, 2016 in the Greater Toronto Area, and that staff will be working with colleagues from the Halton Area Planning Partnership (HAPP) on a joint submission which will be brought to Council. After some discussion the following points were raised: - Staff will be attending a variety of open house sessions which are being held in Cambridge, Vaughan, Barrie, Caledon, Mississauga, St. Catharines, Hamilton, Oshawa, Peterborough, Toronto and Owen Sound; - Staff will provide the committee with hard copies of any Provincial plans they wish to review; - Councillor Best, Chair, Planning and Public Works at the Halton Region has initiated a request from the Region to the Province of Ontario to have a session offered in Halton, but it may be beneficial for staff to attend consultations in Hamilton and Mississauga also; - Ms. Childs informed that committee that discussions vary from session to session and under the previous round of consultations, staff attended Waterloo and Milton sessions where the discussion varied significantly; More information was requested surrounding the Provincial plans: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2016 and the minimum density requirements. Ms. Childs responded that the information provided is very preliminary and there will be a greater analysis by the town to understand the new requirements of the Growth Plan. However, the area around the Bronte GO Station will not have the same height and density levels as the Midtown Oakville urban growth centre. Discussion ensued around growth areas and transit nodes and the following points were raised: - Extending transit and connecting to nodes; - Oakville needs to define the numbers regarding growth areas, as opposed to having the Province do it; - Status of future transit nodes and growth along corridors, specifically Dundas and Trafalgar. Staff advised the Bronte GO station is being looked at first and they are in discussions with Metrolinx and active in discussions regarding future locations of GO Stations; - The committee wanted to ensure that planning is being done regarding a third GO station, in order that Metrolinx can be steered in the right direction when the time comes; - Ms. Clohecy agreed that staff and Council need to be involved in providing proper analysis to Metrolinx, and that all nodes and growth centres need to connect and flow together; - A question was asked if the Province can revise the density number for Midtown Oakville or other identified areas; - Ms. Childs informed the committee that staff are meeting with the Province as much as possible and whenever they learn of any new information it is then brought to Council; - Staff confirmed that density targets will not be lowered, only raised; - Regarding the Greenbelt Plan, it was discussed that if approved, the public lands of Sixteen Mile Creek, Fourteen Mile Creek and Bronte Creek will be added to the Urban River Valley designation; - In regards to the greenfield areas in North Oakville, the committee inquired as to whether the proposed 80 residents and jobs per hectare, applies to plans already developed, or just new plans going forward, staff responded that this information is unclear at this time, however attending the open houses should provide more information; - Information was requested on the possibility of higher density transit and corridor areas will have an even larger density than projected, and staff responded that the Dundas, Trafalgar and Speers Road corridors are currently under review for intensification but that it’s unclear at this point if the Province will request the density to be increased further; - The committee feels that it’s very important for Oakville to develop policies so that areas remain livable. Moved by Councillor Knoll That the Provincial Plan Review presentation be received. CARRIED 6. Information Item(s) There were no information items. 7. Items to be Discussed at Next/Future Meetings The growth plans for Bronte Village, Kerr Village and Downtown Oakville will be discussed at the next meeting. The committee requested an overview report on where Oakville stands with Metrolinx plans. 8. Date and Time of Next Meeting Monday, June 13, 2016 Oakville Municipal Building Oakville and Trafalgar Rooms - 1:00 p.m. 9. Adjournment The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m. No Item Selected This item has no attachments